Just where r u nowadays? Over a month MIA. Very suspicious. Jebus, dead star takes forever to fins a game then spends nearly a minute doing a countdown to start.
That's dead star deleted. No fun at all; you're just chucked in the deep end with little explanation. Team mates quit when the battle starts to turn. Just awful. It could have a decent game in there but I'm not going to spend numerous frustrating hours having to learn the basics to try and compete a little.
Oh no, guys, Earth Defence Force 4.1 is £19.99 in the sale. Are we gonna be defending the earth against GIANT INSECTS?
I regret buying it already. On a different note. Anyone want a code for the mirror's edge beta on PS4?
Trine 3 is on sale; £3.79 I think. But Is that too much for Grim? And is chi still flighty? And am I still just playing crap like poker on PSN?
Final Fantasy XII is getting the remastered treatment. http://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-xii..._source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
Psn now has 2 step authentication, so go set it up if you want. You can find the option by going to Settings -> PlayStation Network Account Management -> Account Information -> Security -> 2-Step Verification. Or via this website: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/account-security/2-step-verification/
@chi: you know the survival trophies in NMS - what did you do to get them? And talking of survival, did the summer sun do for grim? He's been an elusive sort of late.
Find a planet where it displays extreme next to the bar that displays the hazard. Eg toxicity, radiation, cold and stay there for ages. It doesn't count up if you're in your ship and it resets if you leave the planet so what I did was upgrade my life support so I only needed to check in every hour and a half or so and just sat in a building. I used remote play so I could hear the milestones when they occurred and saved at the discovery beacon things.
Had some building work done and the gits cut my phone line off. OpenReach are at home as we speak reconnecting me. Also upgraded to the Sky Q hub so my WiFi should be better, although the PS4 doesn't have a 5Ghz radio, cheap Sony. Will have to upgrade to Neo.
I was tempted but I wasn't sure if you'd get it. I don't think you've ever spent more than £7.99 on the store without making it sound like Sony were claiming at least one of your testicles.
Good thing you didn't get worms wmd just yet then. Pretty reasonable price but these few months coming up to Christmas are going to be expensive for me. PSVR in October and PS4 Pro in November. Looks like the kids will be getting sticks and rocks this year!
Was going to get one but now changed my mind I think. Lack of a 4K blu ray drive put me off and when you really look and the specs and the way they are doing 4k by basically upscalling I think I will just stick with PS4. I don't play as much as I used to anyway. No point throwing £350 at a small upgrade. Probably, we shall see, I might change my mind again.
I made my purchasing decision on a coin toss. Lack of 4k drive would have made more of a difference if I'd had a 4k tv and discs. I haven't bought a single physical movie at all this year and I'm not planning on upgrading my tv for a few years.