UK Guys, you know of any reliable online gaming stores? Shopto, simply gaming and argos are all out of stock for Persona 5 and eBay and Amazon have horrible prices due to that.
I might be using the online gameplay for the first time with my PS3. It looks like it's $10 a month to $60 a year. Any deals I should know about or the best way to buy the service?
Best way to get a subscription is to hunt for discounts on the 1 year subscription cards. I found them on sale for $40 at Target back in 2014 when I bought my PS4. The only issue is this tends to be easier around the holiday season.
PS3. Really? That's awesome. I only plan on playing Garden Warfare so paying for a subscription seemed like a waste.
Next question. I have two PS3s in the house. What are my options for coop? Can they both be on the same PSN account or do they need to be different? Any chance of sharing one game between the two of them?
Yes, you can game share. Have one console set as primary console for your primary account. This one will be played by guests on a different account to yours and can access all your digital games. On your other console, (the one you will play on) you will need to be logged into your primary account to play any of your digital games. For example, I have a PS4 and a PS4 Pro. The regular PS4 is the one everyone else posts on and the pro is what I play on. This way, both consoles can use the same ps plus subscription and play the same game online at the same time. I have a pin lock on my account on the guest console because if they log into your account, it will log you out on any other consoles.
Psplus for PS4 this July Is awesome. We will be getting Until Dawn and Taletales Game Of Thrones. Decent games and no indies for once.
So I'm guessing the key here is to have all digital content downloaded from the store. If I were to buy a disk copy of a game this wouldn't work. Correct?
13 years later and its now a year away from release. Toy story world as well it looks amazing! Hopefully this finally wrap up this long ass story.
Psplus for August Is Just cause 3 and assassins creed black flag dlc full game. Until dawn and game of thrones the game Is still available until then.
This thread is getting dead... Worms Battlegrounds is part of Novembers PS+. Would be a good time for everyone to start up multiplayer again.
Is monsly dead? Last I heard he was planet hopping on No Mans Sky... a precursor to crippling depression.
Yeah haven't seen him post in a while. @chi Oh wow that soon. Cant bloody wait...if its not too big for my shitty internet speed. Been looking forward to World for ages.