Should be a good one for online play. There's 3 classes; sneaky thief type, soldier and wizardy weirdo. What class do you fancy? I could setup an online only character as I've already levelled up in single player.
I tend to like the magic classes so wizard would be preferable for me. I will probably pick it up Thursday and apart from Saturday should be free at points over the next bank holiday. Is PSN back on now then? I didn't use my PS3 yesterday but while finishing off 3D Dot Game Heroes it was off. Annoyingly I think I have enough trophies now to move to the next level but they won't have synced so will have to make a point of that tonight if it is back on.
I might go for the thief if we get someone else involved (don't know if chi fancies it, standee may get it); would be good to try a different character for me. I should be around over the bank holiday except Saturday and maybe Sunday. PSN is still down though, so it may be a moot point anyway. Gah.
Wasn't this the game I suggested to you monsly and you poopoo'ed it because it was by gameloft? For shame. I guess I could play the soldier type if needs be. But needs most definitely have to BE.
Sounds like a sensible and correct opinion so it could well have been me. I'm not a fan of the obvious copycatting they do but I do like this sort of game so I've decided to sell my SOUL.
Quite detailed FAQ on the PSN problems: Most worrying thing is they're recommending you change any passwords that share your PSN password. Apparently your other personal details registed on PSN may have been compromised. Hmmm, sounds pretty serious.
They've announced your Credit Card and Debit Card details are more likely in this guys possesion. It's pretty worrying that Sony were keeping this data in a place that could be accessed by someone hacking the system through a PS3. Amateur hour from the sound of it. I'm fairly certain that in Europe there is a legal requirement for a company storing Credit Card details to use a specific level of encryption for storage and transfer; I'm going to have to check. But this whole situation is just ludicrous..when I put my details on PSN I expect the people I'm trusting with this data to keep it safe. Frankly, I no longer believe for an instant the story that went around about how this hack occured and the method in which it happened. I'm thinking they've had some other form of intrusion via a worm or similar which has given some people access to some very sensitive back end administration. In the UK they're going to get hammered for this from the Information Commisioner...
I'm unsure what to do regarding my credit card; I'll keep an eye on it but I won't cancel until something is confirmed. Aren't you insured against fraud with a credit card any how? What a pain the arse.
Yeah. Credit Card fraud is covered but, I'm not sure how about Debit Cards which is what I used on my PSN account. I had a problem with my Debit Card and PayPal and it was a real pain in the tits to get sorted; I can do without that hassle again. However, it's been a while since I bought anything on PSN so I think my details are expired so I'm not as concerned now but this is still pretty shitty for the majority of PSN users who regularly buy stuff online and keep their CC details up to date. What's more annoying is the fact that it's took them FIVE DAYS to find out how their system has been infiltratd and to let their users that their personal data is out there.
Things aren't looking good for Sony that's for sure. I've read a lot of tales of people going out and buying 360's to play online since their PS3 is "a brick without PSN". I've really been wanting to play my games online over the past week and having to wait another week is not going to be any easier but it's not like playing games online is the only thing you can do your PS3. The fact that Sony have taken so long to come out with a decent statement seems to have shaken a lot of people's faith in the company, I'm ok because I never had much faith in Sony in the first place.
Hopefully I used a credit card then; have to trawl my bank statements tomorrow and check as I'm having some doubts now. If it's my debit card I'll be pissed, that's for sure. Had a friend who had his ID stolen and it was a total pain in the ass.
What's more worrying is that I use the same password that I use on PSN on my Xbox Live account, paypal, emails and anything else I subscribe to or use regularly. I'm annoyed simply because I'm going to have trawl through all my details and change those passwords too. A few of my friends seem to think it's not an issue; the odds of being used ar 70'000'000:1 but it's not the point..someone apparently has my personal stuff and I'm not very happy.
To be honest I am annoyed but I am not going to become paranoid over it. My PSN password is almost unique, I think I use it for one other thing that is of no importance whatsoever. Sony haven't confirmed that card details were taken but the Visa Debit my PSN account is linked to requires a password when buying anything online, that account never has more than £2000 in it and as I have a reward account with my bank I have identity theft insurance to cover anything anyways. As you said 70,000,000:1 is quite long odds and last time I had one of my debit cards cloned yes it was annoying but I got my money back after only 1 week. If Sony are not up to scratch with encrypting peoples card details then I do believe they should be heavily fined, might teach them a lesson. On a side note I wonder if Sony are going to refund PSN+ account holders some money for loss of service.
The password changing is a pain in the ass indeed. Luckily it seems my PSN password was different to my others by a large degree but I'm changing a few things linked to my PSN linked email as a precaution. Found out today that it's my debit card that's linked so I'll need to call the bank tonight to check if there's any suspicious activity. I'm more worried about future uses of this information for fraud.
Do you not use online banking? Some banks show exactly what is pending to come out and others have an available balance and a current balance, if there is a difference between the two then you know there is something pending or levels have been checked. I am one of the most money paranoid people on the planet and always know what I have and where it is. As long as you remember you spent £39.99 in Gamestation and £5 in Boots for example and £44.99 is the difference between your current and available balance you know everything is fine. Its when you haven't spent any money but your available balance is £1000 less than your current that you start to worry. When my card was cloned I tried to take money out at an ATM and it kept just giving me the card. When I looked at the balance it said something like 'current £950, available £0' and that was when I started to panic. I just wish payments would come out quicker, if I have a spending spree I sometimes lose track and have to wait a couple of days to see what I did....
Yeah, I've got online banking but my wife has all the login details. I want to speak to them to see if a card change is necessary. I wonder about the issue of people using your details to set up other loans and so forth. A friend of someone I work with had that happen and it was a pain in the ass to sort out.
Good luck with that, last time I tried to call the bank they wanted a million and one pass codes and/or numbers. I really can't be bothered with the arseache of changing the card at the moment. It means having to go to the bank to draw out money, having no access to money in the account over the bank holiday, waiting up to 2 weeks for the card to arrive and another week for the PIN. Then having to re-register for online banking and then waiting 2 weeks for another 2 PIN numbers to arrive. Because of this I am going to wait it out and see what happens.
What annoys me is that a week ago Anonymous said they wouldn't attack PSN as it was Sony they wanted to hurt and not consumers. I am sure this will be down to them so why the change of heart. I hear they have their own facebook page and if one penny is taken from my account I'm gonna do my best to find the nearest Anonymous member to me simply by checking facebook and hospitalise the cunt.
I'm still fucking livid that Sony kept peoples passwords and data in plain text format. Seriously..what the hell were they thinking? There's definately more to this supposed hacking than meets the eye.. The information commisioner in the UK has already told the BBC that this is a significant breach of UK Data Protection law; if any of that missing data was stored in the UK they can expect a fine of around £500'000 Also, some people on the BBC discussion on this have said that they've had phonecalls from people talking about identifying a virus on their PC. Obviously you have to take those comments with a pinch of salt but it sounds like a classic scam someone who has all of your information could attempt to pull off if they've got your details and happened to read your email.
What happened is a serious disaster, a disaster of the decade or even worse. I am concerned, even though my PSN password is unique. My concern comes from the fact that a basic security rule says that you NEVER EVER SHOULDN'T store passwords in plain text on the server side. How's that then possible that someone steals not only logins but passwords as well? That just means that it's not only someone being clever, but also the other someone being extremely unwise. And hiring experts after the damage has been done is just another example of the foolishness. What happens for last months, starting from the famous Code: return 4; and leading to this huge theft of security data, is an indication of great incompetence of Sony. Something to have in my mind when I am going to buy my next console.