Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. You've not had your game invaded yet? That'll be fun for you when it happens.

    I picked up MAG the other day for £4.99 so I'm trying that at the moment. Had a huge download to do though.
  2. Hmm. Been playing Black Ops. It's been too long :)
  3. It will also be fun for me to hear about. :p
  4. I've played Borderlands loads in the past with AKS, chi and Grim. I think we pretty much did a full playthrough in fact. I always enjoy it so could join you for a few games of I've got a suitable level character - not sure if the others fancy it. I believe chi grew a sickening dislike of the game after numerous Crawmerax farming japes.
  5. I might be tempted to go back to Demons Souls soon; I need a break from Fallout 3 so it's one of the next candidates.
  6. Free games for the PS3 aaaaaare:

    Wipeout HD/Fury
    Dead Nation
    Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty

    You get 2 apparently. PSP people have some games to choose from. I only need Wipeout. GAH.
  7. Is that free for everyone? If so is there a cut off date?
  8. Anyone with a PSN is eligible I think and you get 30 days to pick your 2 when the store is back.
  9. I may go for infamous and deadnation, never really been a fan of ratchet and clank games.
  10. They know what games they should give out free;)
  11. @chi: Infamous was good fun indeed and DN was decent too. I wonder if I can gift a game?
  12. Buh? What exactly do you mean, Mr Anderson?
  13. Unfortunately, I already have LBP and infamous.
  14. I'd recommend LBP if you've not got it; quite good for playing with casual gamers and it's got 4 player. Wipeout is great if you like the previous games. DN is a twin stick shooter with 2 players which is pretty good fun.
  15. Looks like the welcome back game list is pretty similar for all regions. I notice the Japanese PSN still isn't back up yet.
  16. You recommended LBP when you quoted cmdr's post of him saying he had LBP. Why didnt you just recommend infamous for him too.
  17. Good point - if he hasn't got Infamous then he should go for that.
  18. Monsly's old age effects him more these days.
  19. I merked u good, bro.
  20. I always wanted LBP. I've Wipeout HD (I prefer Wipeout Fusion). Not really interested in the other two games but might give Infamous a go.