My tacticle is at 3 and heavy is 500 experience away. Been hammering the first 5 levels and survival for experience, money and kills towards trophies. 8 is good
Earth defence force insect armageddon. It's an actioney third person shooter kind of game. Dumb but fun. It's not as good as EDF 2017 (one of my favourite games this gen) but it's still an enjoyable enough romp.
Anyone around tonight? My car's going in for a major service today so I've wormed out of a lot of social events.
Chi you scumbag what happened to you last night? You were the one who proposed a game and didn't even bother to turn up!!! Me and Monsly got our asses kicked on 1-4 (hard) right near the end and lost a lot of EXP because you didn't turn up.
Yeah sorry about that. There was rioting and things were burnt in gloucester. I was checking up on people I know around there. Priorities all wrong, I know, ant killing comes first.
And yet when Croydon was burning and I could see the smoke from the front of my house i stayed and helped you out. Your the worst kind of scum do you know that....
I know and I am ashamed of my cowardly behaviour, the world needs protection from giant ants and bastard wasps. And it's "you're".
That's no excuse, what do you think I'm typing on? You always get your "your" and "you're"s mixed up, it's most embarrassing.