Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. You've been through the game already? How did you put up with it?

    I think my trooper is nearly level 5 or 6 now.
  2. I had to finish it, was getting fed up with having a short game unfinished because of other people blowing us out when we were supposed to get it done ;)

    To be fair the last few levels are pretty fun as they are really hectic. Can't see myself playing it enough to max all of the armours or kill 10,000 of the small ships however, some trophies just don't deserve to be gotten.
  3. There way too much grinding for some of those trophies. The upgrade all suits and buy all weapons would take ages alone. Level 6 guns cost up to 85k. Stupid really.
  4. Just been watching some Rayman Origins videos and it seems like it could be a fun 4 player co-op game at the right price.

    BUT according to what I can find it is offline co-op only, how stupid in this day and age to bring out a co-op capable game that you can't play online.
  5. Shall we move onto dungeon hunter after edf?
  6. Monsly is swanning off for a week but sure I am up for it.
  7. I'll let you know what level my guy is - think I went for warrior. That way you guts can try and catch up when I'm off.
  8. Swanning off on his looting funded holiday? I bet it was him with the 40 iPhones.
  9. Downloading dungeon hunter now.
  10. I started Dungeon Hunter last night but I am not willing to go too far as of yet.

    One of the very first quests it seems are to kill the goblin king, problem is that to get a trophy you need to do this in a group so one of you bastards get online! Monsly cancel your holiday, this is too important for you to be wasting time relaxing somewhere.
  11. I felt the exact same way about Time Crisis: Razing Storm/TC4/Deadstorm Pirates. Offline coop only, terrible.

    I'm definitely getting this Rayman game. I really loved the first one but all others since are crap and not worth my attention. Seems like they're kind of going back to their roots, plus the visuals are cool to look at. For the first time ever I'm looking forward to a Rayman game.
  12. I know a lot of people have been wanting cross game chat for the ps3 for years now. I for one am not bothered in the slightest because if I want to chat to mates I'll either phone them or I'll be playing the same game as them anyway. It was a nice feature on the 360 but I think I only ever used it once or twice.

    Anyway, a couple oif days ago Sony announced that the PS3 simply can't do cross game chat, it doesn't have enough RAM. Why they didn't come out and admit this years ago is now the question on many peoples lips it would seem.

    Strangely enough it's been confirmed that their upcoming handheld device, the PS Vita, will have enough RAM to support cross game chat.
  13. Come on Sony, the provided explanation is just unreliable. I would rather expect something like "we've conducted a survey and it turns out that the feature is rather low on the priority list. please do not expect it in near future".

    The RAM is not an issue here, it's true that the OS reserves some amount of it but Sony can easily CHANGE this value between firmware versions. A new firmware could then reserve MORE memory if you decide to turn on the feature. This way all existing games could still be playable without the chat but all the newly created games could easily support it.
  14. Seeing as there isn't much out at the moment I might have to give Disgaea another chance in 2 weeks when 4 comes out. I usually like tactics based games but didn't get on with the last one Monsly suggested to me. As long as I can make it last me a month or so until Dark Souls I will be happy.

    I really hope they make it possible for you to invite friends into Dark Souls but I don't hold my breath.
  15. Disgaea 4 is coming out? Bloody hell, had no idea. I've got the 3rd on the PS3 but I've never got around to playing it properly. Seemed much like the PS2 games though and I loved the original. What about Deus Ex? That's meant to be good.
  16. Yes its out 9th September.

    Not really that interested in it. Still have Dungeon Hunter to play when you get back, can't go any further as I want the trophy for killing the goblin king in a group so hurry up!
  17. Should be back tomorrow; got a wedding over the weekend but I should be around at various points I reckon. So many games coming out over the next few months, I'm going to have start saving.
  18. There are only a few I am probably going to get for sure. At the moment it will be..

    Disgaea 4 - 9/9
    Dark Souls - 7/10
    Batman: Arkham City - 21/10
    Ratchet and Clank: All 4 one - 21/10
    Uncharted 3 - 1/11
    Skyrim - 11/11


    Resistance 3 - 9/9 (unlikely)
    ICO + Shadow of the colossus HD - 30/9
    CoD: MW 3 - 8/11
    Sonic Generations - 11/11
    Last Guardian - 25/11

    If those games are £40 each and I get all 11 thats £440 worth of games!
  19. Hmm, only Uncharted 3, ICO+SOTC HD and Last Guardian for me I think.

    We'll see about All 4 One, I couldn't get a game going in the beta so I don't know if it's good.
  20. Tight git.