Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. O dear, O dear, O dear (repeat)

    Are you downloading anything at the moment? Thats 1Mbps! Your probably paying for up to 20Mbps!

    Is your router/modem connected to the master socket (first one in house) or a secondary socket?
  2. Turns out my Mum sorted out the internet today. Virgin are coming to install the 50Mbps on Sunday so we'll see if it's any good. I've never had anything other than OK internet speeds so I'll be surprised if it's actually fast.
  3. Do the tests I posted for Phisix and post the results, then do the same on Sunday and see what the difference is.

    50Mbps is not restricted in any way so you can download as much as you like at a theoretical top speed of 6MB/sec. Your upload will be 5Mbps and I know you like to put things on youtube so you should notice that be a bit faster. It should take about 2 seconds to upload 1MB.

    IF you do find you have any issues remember you have 28 days to cancel so make sure you use it to death for the first week to make sure it is working well.

    All of the other internet services you will have had will have come via your phone line via copper from the exchange. VM's services is Fibre to the cabinet in your street and then coax to your house, you will get much better service from this, the only thing that will slow you down is heavy use of the network in your area if it hasn't been upgraded to cope.
  4. So what's the difference between Mbps and MB/sec? When they say 50Mbps they obviously don't mean I'll be able to download 50 mega bites per second, what does it mean?
  5. Mb is bits and MB is bytes, bytes are bigger. They rate connections by megabits (gigabits in wired networks these days). There are 8 bits in a byte
  6. Phisix home broadband is slower than my 3G on sprint.
  7. I was downloading nothing at the time when I took the test.

    It seems Sky are ripping me off then. My mate 5 mins away is on Sky and his is faster than mine. I pay £21 a month for it.

    I only have one phoneline socket and thats by the front door. a extended cable to running from that to my gaming area up stairs into something like this:


    And then another cable runs to my modem and the other hole is where my phone is connected.
  8. [​IMG]

    WTF? Are they rationing internetz in the UK? Did the looters dig up and destroy your fiber optic lines? Or are you sharing internetz with monsly (in that case, it's much faster than expected)?

  9. Pah, my speedtest results are in kbs. Stupid app. Think I'm getting 4.5MB. Or 4.5k. Hard to say.

    RE4 has gone up to 7.99/15.99 now in the UK. Pricing must have been wrong initially but that's £2 saved for me.
  10. is there not a app for your phone? arent you using an iphone? in the tools section of the app, it lets you switch from kilobits to megabits to kilobytes per second.
  11. If it starts with a 4 then its bad, your paying for 30 and there is nothing other than 4.0-4.9 that your result could be, you need to call VM or post on the forum.

    If you are doing it on the web you can post the result as Phisix did, do this. Not sure if the phone apps let you, just had a look at my Android one and I can only see an email option.
  12. Works out as 4.1 megabytes so that's roughly 32mbs so I'm fiiiiiine. Weird the speedtest up has no option to change what results are shown in, maybe I'm missing something obvious.
  13. Your sure it was showing bytes and not bits? Did you change the settings as by default it is usually bits.

    If you are doing it on your laptop/PC and have changed it to MB/s then ignore the rest..

    The Android App doesn't even let you show results in MB/s, its kbps, Mbps or kB/s.

    Here is a screen of the iOS app, see it shows Mbps which is bits.


    It is the same as the Android one, if you hit settings at the bottom you can change it to one of the other 2 but as I say MB/s isn't an option (for Android at least).

    EDIT: I have just looked into it a bit more and according to the interwebs its the same, you can only set the iOS app to kbps, Mbps or kB/s so I think you may be getting a little confused.

    EDIT EDIT: Ha, on the website you can change your settings to MB/s and having done so has changed Phisix and AKS's links on this page. That confused me a bit at first. MONSLY do it on your laptop and post the results here, much easier.
  14. OK I am now finished with Deus Ex but I am not sure I will pick anything new up at the moment. With Dark Souls out in 2 weeks I don't want to go and blow £35-£40 on Resistance 3 or Dead Island as I might not get enough out of them.

    As for availability this weekend incase anyone is on I am not sure. An Idiot Abroad 2 starts tonight so that is out and the rest of the weekend will just be a case of if I am on then I am available.
  15. Does dark souls have co-op?
  16. Yes but at the moment it isn't apparent how it will work. It is supposed to be easier to get into teams than it was in Demon's Souls but I think they still don't want you just teaming with friends and I have heard there will be no voice chat still. Might not be a good option as one of our online choices.

    It came out in Japan yesterday but looking on Youtube I can't find many vids and any I can make no sense because of the strange Japanese language and my inability to speak it. I reckon with it coming out in 2 weeks most western players (and lets players) will just wait for the English release instead of importing.
  17. Worth buying at launch then? I saw demon's souls the other day for £15 but I didn't buy it.
  18. It's definitely correct, I checked n everything. I might upgrade to TiVo and 100Mbs for shits and giggles.
  19. Not sure I'd heartily recommend Resistance 3. The single player is ace but the multiplayer just doesn't appeal. Tried some splutscreen co-op last night and it didn't really grab me.