Gametrailers don't like Code Veronica X HD and having seen the review it really isn't worth anything near £15.99! It looks damned awful, they just upscaled the game, added trophies and put a massive price tag on it.
OK FFXIII as it is being talked about so much. Being the massive FF fanboy I am when playing this on the old forum I talked it up, but when I look back I realise that I was trying to get myself to believe it was a lot better than it was. For me FFXIII was a failure in all areas, the linear gameplay, the dull battle system (auto battle, auto battle, auto battle) and the poor story have made me NEVER want to play this again. You compare that to other games in the series such as VII, IX and XII and I would happily play them over and over again. Even VIII and X which were just good compared to the awesome of the ones I mentioned before can be played again but XIII has no replay value whatsoever, hell I would rather play X-2! XIII-2 looks like more of the same and at the moment I am really not sure whether I will bother picking it up. The battle system doesn't look to have improved but they have added NPC's which may help. For now I have no real level of excitement for the release of this game which for me is a massive difference when compared to previous instalments. Monsly as for FFVI I don't know how you will find it to be honest. It really hasn't aged well IMO and the limited move sets for the stupid number of the characters they included does my head in. They could have just had 7 or 8 main characters and expanded the sets a bit. There has been no word of a FFV DS version otherwise I would say it might have been an idea to wait to see if they made a FFVI DS. The DS versions of III and IV did make them more enjoyable for me (although it really ramped up the difficulty too) and I am hoping that an update to FFVI may make it something I want to play again because at the moment anything pre VII (excluding the DS ports) just seem too dated and do not draw me in at all.
Arkham Asylum I presume? It is indeed a quality game. I haven't played it for a couple of months though. I got Gears 3 yesterday so I got my gold membership up and running again and I'm back on the 'box! I'll still be playing on PS3 of course but not as often as I used to. Now I have Gears 3 and therefore my gold membership back I can play Super Street Fighter IV again, loving it. I can download the new dlc/game update for it. First there was Street Fighter IV (I paid £30 pre-owned) Then there was Super Street Fighter IV (I paid £30 brand new) Now there's Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (dlc, price unknown) A head dude at Capcom said that Arcade Edition will be the last version of Street Fighter IV. I hope so, this is getting expensive, although it's amazingly good fun online. I'm still expecting Hyper Street Fighter IV Turbo Tournament 3D Collector's Edition Remix at some point.
Feck Street Fighter IV and it's variations. I still have Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on my Snes. @Grim: Once I play FFXIII i'll never play it again. The missions are fun though. FFXIII-2 has time travel in it's story so thats a Final Fantasy first. I cannot believe you rate FFXII over VIII and X though. FFXII battle was good and so were the open world and quests, but the story and characters were lame. X was the last great Final Fantasy and VIII was great, even if you hated the junction system. (You know you could do a low level playthrough if you think it's too easy )
It wouldn't really make any difference as the enemy level is based on yours. So if you are level 10 they will be around that level and the same if you are 30. Even on the first island this applies and seeing as you only need 1000 EXP for every level you level up quickly anyway. The game is too easy and the storyline is nothing special which is why it is only a good for me. X was good too but nothing overly special. The end game stuff relied too heavily on hours of grinding which took away quite a lot of the fun. Blitzball was also stupidly dull and long and considering you had to do it to beat penance etc this only made it worse. Without attack reels some of the later dark aeons were near impossible to beat without cheating and using Zanmoto. Some of the ultimate weapons were also too much agro to get, I mean who thought it would be fun to dodge 100 lightning bolts?
There was time travel in Final Fantasy VIII. I'm pretty sure you went all over the place right near the end of the game when the sorceress is warping time, or something. I totally forgot about that. That pissed me off so much back in the day.
There was no real active time travelling, sorceress Ultimecia cast some sort of time compressing to merge all time into one or something. It made the 4th disk completely useless for anything other than finishing the game, you pretty much had to do all of the end game side quests (other than omega weapon) on disk 3. The Laguna parts were not really time travelling either as although Ellone wanted you to you never managed to change anything so it was more of a window into the past.
True. But what about FFX? Tidus travelled forward in time 1000 years. Not the same as XIII-2 but hey.
I guess I'm old school, I hated FF8, 10 and 13. I loved 12 and 7, didn't really play 9 but I liked what I saw of it... actually I liked the sphere grid in ten and thought they perfected it in 10-2! Hadn't beaten 10-2 cuz I could only stand playing in a chick's world for only so long (as if 10 on it's own wasn't all romancy enough...) but the lvling system was the best thing since Grandia 1! Anyway I can't stand any game where you gotta fight your summons to get them. It makes no sense, kind of like getting a foul for charging in Basketball or off-sides in Soccer. The minute they started enforcing this offsides BS I quit my youth soccer team. takes all the fun out of it, all I wanna do is KICK THE GODDAMNED BALL, all I wanna do is DRIVE TO THE HOOP AND SCORE, all I wanna do is KICK ASS WITH THIS GODDAM SUMMON. Why do they always take the FUN out of the game?? I couldn't pass the first one in FF13 anyway, and I tried it like 13 times!!
£7 for me because I have RE4 HD. No he did not, he was just a dream that was based from Zanarkand 1000 years before.
I have not trained or played FFXIII in a few days but I got back on it today and found the best way to level up and get money with the turtles. I just kill one (Which I can do without using Death now and doing it in just over two minutes) then go kill the small turtles for gold dust and a few mobs to get my TP back then kill that second big one, farm mobs once more go get a Chocobo and come back when they respawn. Just over an hour and I hit the 999999 cp target twice. So two or three more times and I will be done and ready to finish everything else off until I have to farm for more money which will takes agggges.
You're lucky. Once you've completed the monster hunt mission called "Crushed By Doubt" all the 'toises suddenly turn into ultra badass versions of themselves, which I didn't know until it was too late. I didn't start farming them until I'd done that mission and they take ages to kill, if you kill them. The big ones will kill you if you don't have a summon saved up simply to survive an attack. It usually does a bay (almost killing and totally incapacitating your characters) immediately followed by ultima, you NEED to summon as it casts ultima of you've just wasted 10 minutes of fighting lol. I'd leave "Crushed By Doubt" for now and just kill the easy ones for now, if you haven't done it already.
I already knew it so I was on the ball. I am leaving that trophy and quest until I have done all got the "Held and equipment and weapons once" lol. Unless I need their dark matter for equipment upgrades... Are the long Guis easy to kill with stagger, or do you have to death them? Should be max cryst later.
I've never tried to use death on them, I'm almost certain they're immune. What I do know is that the Shao Long Guis (the babies) have 10,800,000 hp. You can use stop on them while you seriously buff and debuff. The adult Long Guis are another matter altogether. They are highly resistant to physical attacks AND magical attacks. They're immune to everything except slow, which you'll want to use obviously. Their bodies have an unbelievable 16,200,000 hp! But before you attck the body you'll want to disable the front legs which have 1,080,000 hp EACH! Put simply, they're a bastard. I wish I'd known about them before doing the missions that cause them to appear, really slowed down my farming. My characters have completed their crystariums and two of them have their ultimate weapons and the fight still takes 10-15 minutes, that's IF you win. One stomp can put all your characters from full health down into the red zone, if they "bay" and you don't have a summon saved up you're actually dead, fact. I usually have to stagger them 2-3 times before they die. And even if you manage to kill them they hardly drop anything. Their "common" drop is a platinum ingot which sells for 150,000g, that's why I was farming them since all I need is cash to buy the components to make the remaining ultimate weapons. Their rare drop is a trapezohedron so don't go spending 2 million gil on one in the shop like I did, you'll earn plenty from the Long Guis. Satisfying when you kill them and they actually drop something, frustrating when they don't as you know you've just wasted 15 minutes and a summon for nothing. Have fun.
I was smart enough to do some research and knew not to buy anything stupid, sell anything stupid and take on that mission. I don't know what other equipment I still need/upgrade but I cannot be far off now. I got Lightnings ultimate weapon earlier and with some more money I will have Saszhs and Fangs. I am on the last board for everyones last ever roll now so one more 999999cp farm will be more than enough. I will probably have a break after that and finish all old quests for the 5 stars but that wont take long then I will get on with the money farm before I tie up loose ends. Oh, and I also downed Atticus but the fecker only gave me a 3 star. So I will have to go back and try again with a different strategy which includes me not having to heal or buff with Fang. That kill also meant I completed the Titans trial and got the trophy. Just atticus and three other bosses in there to 5 star and I will be done with it for good. Those rare drops for 2mil gil I have two already and used another for Lightnings weapon earlier, so I only need 3 more lol. For those Long Guis cant I use the same method for killing an Adman? Just summon and buff and defuff then stagger and smash with everyone using Genji belts?
Dammit I hate farming those things for gil. I need to do and get the all equipment trophy before I can finish off the last two missions, get the trophy for killing the blue turtles and 5 star missions and Orphan on a 5 star. I already have every mission 5 starred apart from the last two
With or without using the gold watch? I could never do some of those missions 5 start without it, Orphan was easy though. Have you been keeping trakc of off the weapons and accessories you've been collecting? I had two lists up on my laptop (one for weapons one for accessories) while I was playing the game and I would tick an item off the list once I'd gotten it, I couldn't imagine doing that achievement with the lists. One day I'll finish getting the achievements on this game... one day.
Yeah without the gold watch whatever it is. I just started with two buff shrouds, debuffed him and switched to 3 Ravagers until I got his stagger bar to 3 then kept the buffs and debuffs up while attacking him with two people while Snow tanked and he went down in no time. Was so much easier the second time as I leveled up a bit more and changed strategies. Yeah that is a good idea which I was thinking of doing the other day. Will just look up the full list of both and do each upgrade for each one and what stones you need to upgrade and I will tick it off that way.