Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. No, it's just there for as long as the Vettel challenge is available - just checked.
  2. I've got two anyway, they practically shove those cars at you.
  3. Cloned 'em eh? Cheating bastard.
  4. Nope. I got one for getting all bronze in the vettel challenge (which introduced me to new levels of rage) and then was simply awarded one for getting the b spec up to level 35.
  5. Tell it to the judge, poindexter.
  6. My mate was .500 seconds from getting the gold in that special track last night but still got a hefty 2.5 mil for getting silver. I only have bronze but only tried it a few times. I will try it again once the GT5 update is done.
  7. Apparently they've made that track easier for this week; might give it a go tonight
  8. I just want the 5 million CR so I can get that car which gives me the trophy.
  9. What car that gives what trophy?
  10. I read up you need to buy some car worth 5 million CR for the Sky-High Roller trophy.


    I just did that track again and got Bronze, Silver and just now got gold in that order. Finally can get back to A-class and I also pocketed a cool 8 million CR.
  11. The trophy for the expensive car is for spending 20million creiys, I believe, not 5
  12. Monsly,

    I was helping clear out my parents loft at the weekend and came across a bag containing a Sega Megadrive II and a load of games for it. Seeing as your a collector I will post up a list of what I have and if you need anything you can have them as I am probably never going to use it again.

    Sometimes I am too nice.
  13. I think if you buy a car worth 100,000 or more you get the first trophy and spend 1,000,000 or more to get the second one, if memory serves.
  14. Grim, that sounds surprisingly generous. Let me know what's up for grabs - I'm always up for expanding my mega drive collection. You'll have to let me know if there's anything your after.
  15. Yeah I was thinking about tge easiest way to get the penniless trophy.
  16. Arma is right, it is 1 million for that trophy. I just need to save up two million to get the high money saved trophy then can buy a car for a million for the other trophy.

    Anyone got the platinum or close to it yet?
  17. Nup, getting all golds is probably a little out of my reach. I'm just collecting all the cars in the game really.
  18. I reckon I could do it, but I don't think I am willing to sink so much time in to trying and grinding. Especially with all of these games coming out.
  19. You'd never get the Vettel golds on a pad; NEVERRRRrrr...
  20. I bet someone has done it. It's not impossible. I wouldn't fork out money just for a trophy though.