Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I am not overly bothered by Devil May Cry, the first one was good but they got a bit repetitive.
  2. DMC was awesome. DMC2 was rubbish and DMC3 was quality. Looking forward to the Zone of the enders hd collection too. ;)
  3. Two franchises I have no interest in.
  4. I am going to start calling you Victor.

  5. Too much Gamecube punching for you is it Arma lol.
  6. I have a bit of spare money so I am thinking I may get Sonic Generations or Skyrim.
  7. Surely it's got to be Skyrim?
  9. Indeed. I chose that in the end, but it cost a whopping £42 quid. Whereas Sonic Generations was on special price for £25.
  10. chi you BITCH - when are you about for some online games? I've got a hankering for some Dead Island or Sacred 2.
  11. Sunday, around 8 onwards, and probably tuesday/wednesday.

    Make it work, you SLUT.
  12. Hmmmm, I shall see what I can do - will post up on Sunday to let you knows, you WHORE.
  13. Make up your mind, you SLAPPER.
  14. Just set up my PS3 to share files with my PC. Now I can watch or listen to things that are on my PC on my TV in the front room.
  15. How easy is that to do?
  16. Very easy, and not the windows media player either. Just enable media sharing on your PS3 then download the PS3 media server program online, install then it should be done and it will show up under your videos and music areas on your PS3.
  17. What pc programme did you download? I've had a look and there's a few options. Might give this a try as copying stuff onto a USB stick every time is a very annoying first world problem.
  18. Rayman Origins available to download from the PS Store for £47.99!!!
  19. New games on PSN are often overpriced (RRP). Infamous 2 was £55 when it came out.

    This is one of my problems with the idea of only being able to download games in the future. If there is no competition there is no reason for them to drop the price below RRP at launch.
  20. The reason the price for those is so high is they can't piss off retailers. You won't see cheap new retail releases for a good while. A friend sent me Origins on Friday - havent tried it yet though.