Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Your such a nerd! Still it makes getting your birthday present easy..

  2. And I know what I'm getting you for yours.

  3. I thought that would bother you. Personally, I could care less.
  4. Bleem the both of you!
  5. Funnily enough, I actually got given one of those for Christmas when I was a kid. No lies.
  6. We still aiming for tonight? I think I should be on at 8. Also, what we going to play?
  7. I can probably do 8-10. Don't mind what we play, I suppose our options are..

    Uncharted 3 - Still need to do final co-op mission
    Worms - We always go back to worms
    Dungeon Siege III - Might be alright, might not be, its a bit of a gamble but dungeon crawlers normally work well co-op.

    Still don't have Sacred 2 in CEX.
  8. We'll see who's on and then decide then. I tried D Siege for a bit and it seemed a bit dull in single player but maybe multi will be better. I went for the Knight character BTW.
  9. Whut, but I'm the knight. I tried the girl with the gun, she's a pain to use. Grumps,can have her.
  10. Good, I like being ranged, its nice to see you guys get your faces battered while I deal all the damage from a nice safe spot.
  11. I don't mind switching; what's the others like?
  12. The final fantasy games are on sale this week; £3.99 instead of £7.99. So now you know.
  13. I have VII and IX (have to download them again) but have no real interest in VIII. Its my least favourite on the PS1 by a mile and I already own the PS1 and the PC version so no need to waste £3.99 on it. With VII and IX I only had the PS1 version so it was worth having a second on top of the fact that they are both fantastic.
  14. Normal members or PS+ members?
  15. Think it's for everyone; I'll check when I'm online in a bit.
  16. Interesting. I have a spare tenner lying around in my bank. It could be an option, but I have so many games at the moment I could not possibly play them.....or could I. IX and either VII or VIII is tempting..

    How do the games look via the PS3 anyway? The same as when they were on the PS1 or do they have a better resolution?


    Found the prices for all the Final Fantasy's:

  17. I picked all of them bar the psp ones and V; I'll have a look later and let you know. Would guess they'll run the same as any PS1 game.
  18. You should get V then. It's a quality game.

    Just noticed FF Tactics too. So much choice for so little price.
  19. Bear in mind Tactics is psp only tho. Games look like normal ps1 on ps3 stuff BTW. I get V free on PS+ but getting it now would mean I'd keep it forever. Hmmm.
  20. I thought it was the PS1 version. Saddening. Wait, you bought most of them already today?