Yeah, I bought 5 of the ps1 versions. I doubt they'll get cheaper and having HDD versions which I can use the PSP is a nice bonus.
I am really tempted to get one. FFVII I have played to death though and FFVIII I have completed recently. I just cant think which one lol.
Not VI as I completed that again on an emulator not so long ago. It's going to be one of the playstation three. Maybe even two of them as I may still have some credit left in my PSN wallet.
I decided on Final Fantasy IX in the end. The games look exactly as they did on the PS1, but this copy said it had PS smoothing on but the sprites were still quite jaggy and that.
OK so I think we all probably realised that Dungeon Siege III isn't going to be a good one for multiplayer. What other choices do we have then? So little coming out at the moment.
I reckon pick one from my previous list. Perhaps me and chi should try sacred and see if the voice coms are screwy like siege 3.
DSIII really didn't like doing voice and action at the same time, during that boss fight I couldn't hear anything!
It didn't like doing anything much. Didn't have a clue what was going on. You should pick up Dead Island, since you're Mr Moneybags at the moment.
It didn't get great reviews, I think. I could pick it up if you guys want to try it. I should be around tonight but early evening - 6ish I think.
6 is too early for me, will be eating and then showering. 7-8 is the best time for me as that is when Mrs Grim will be getting the child ready for bed so if you are still on my I may pop on for an hour.
Dungeon siege 3 again? Lololol. It didn't seem to save my progress BTW. still, it were only £3.99 I suppose.
I can get Sacred 2 second hand on play for about £10 so if it works and is worth it I may have to stump up the cash but I will obviously have to wait for it to arrive.
I think we should test it first. Don't want another repeat of last night. Although it was hilariously awful.