Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Get sacred then, ya lazy bum
  2. Should be on around 7:46 exactly
  3. I am beginning to believe you made this game up, there are no copied anywhere.
  4. It didn't get a big release do it'd have to be play or amazon or eBay. Or all 3. I've only ever seen 1 copy in the last couple of years.
  5. So you're trying to get us to play a game that's like hen's teeth to find?
  6. You found it doofus. Not sure HOW though.
  7. I burnt myself another copy from the master
  8. The boys at Gamefront have been playing around with the Twisted Metal demo, looks pretty nice if I am honest.

    Let me know when you two have pre ordered and then I will do the same, I don't trust you enough to order it first!
  9. I'll try the demo tonight abd let you know my thoughts. And you should get sacred for the 199th time.
  10. I can't buy what doesn't exist, from my research they only printed 10 copies of this game before going bust. My sources say you have 9 of them with Chi owning the other.
  11. Just buy it from amazon or play, numb nuts.
  12. Play haven't had a copy in stock since you purchased them all in 2004.
  13. Its in their market place for £9.99 you liar.
  14. I found Sacred 2!!!!!!

    On the XBOX 360......
  15. Y U NO BUY ONLINE? I swear I'm going to kill you soon. KILL.
  16. I thought I would have one more go in the shops first, seeing as it was no where to be found I will now have to cave in and order it online.

    I should have the game by March, April at the latest unless it ends up being May... or June.
  17. Get out!
  18. Store has updated, Twisted Metal demo is 1.7gb, grab it while you can!

    Monsly, you should have started downloading this yesterday with your internet speeds
  19. Is there an online mode in the demo?
  20. Yes

    • 8 vehicles to choose from, each with their own unique special weapons.
    • 2 multiplayer modes: Classic free-for-all Death Match, and team-based Nuke mode—a Twisted take on Capture the Flag that’s brand new to the series.
    • Challenge mode, where you can practice with each vehicle to hone your destructive skills.
    Runs for a week.

    Grim, you antisocial bastard, I send you a message on PSN asking if you'd downloaded Twisted Metal and you log off! I know who I'll be shooting in the face.