It's still PSN, it's just the accounts that have merged into SEN. Doofus And monsly, I think he was referring to the Simpsons arcade game
You're quite right indeed. I love old school scrolling beat em ups so I'm really looking forward to playing the Simpsons arcade game. I'm sure I played it years ago in some backwater arcade.
SSX is a in a different class from other snowboarding games. SSX Tricky was just balls out crazy fun.
Tomorrow would never fly for me, I would probably be murdered if I even suggested it. Shows how much you care about Mrs Monsly I guess!
Tomorrow is the 14th February otherwise known as Valentines day. Means nothing to me really but the wife isn't letting me forget about it.
I tell you what, that Dead Island was a smooth experience. I blame grims Internet. Seemed fine when we all managed to join up.
I honestly think I have something fucked in the game data. It was fine, then that quest wouldn't work and now I can't see any online games. If it carries on I will delete all of the data, download the patch again and then play the prologue before inviting you or joining a game. Really well coded this one I tell ya.