Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. It's still PSN, it's just the accounts that have merged into SEN. Doofus

    And monsly, I think he was referring to the Simpsons arcade game

  2. You're quite right indeed. I love old school scrolling beat em ups so I'm really looking forward to playing the Simpsons arcade game. I'm sure I played it years ago in some backwater arcade.
  3. Your games room ?
  4. I have Dead Island, another option for us.
  5. SSX is a in a different class from other snowboarding games. SSX Tricky was just balls out crazy fun.
  6. So what nights can people do this week if you want to try a bit of Dead Island for a change?
  7. I might be free tonight, if not then tomorrow should be free tomorrow I reckons
  8. Tonight should be good for me
  9. Tomorrow would never fly for me, I would probably be murdered if I even suggested it. Shows how much you care about Mrs Monsly I guess!
  10. What's o special about tomorrow?
  11. Tomorrow is the 14th February otherwise known as Valentines day. Means nothing to me really but the wife isn't letting me forget about it.
  12. Oh yeah, Valentine's day. How come monsly is so free that evening? Suspicious...
  13. Doh! Dodged a bullet there, thought it was the 13th tomorrow.
  14. I tell you what, that Dead Island was a smooth experience. I blame grims Internet. Seemed fine when we all managed to join up.
  15. Does the PS3 have some kind of browser that doesn't suck?
  16. I honestly think I have something fucked in the game data. It was fine, then that quest wouldn't work and now I can't see any online games. If it carries on I will delete all of the data, download the patch again and then play the prologue before inviting you or joining a game.

    Really well coded this one I tell ya.
  17. At least you missed out on the " not saving progress" bug
  18. Anyone around tonight? I think I may be.
  19. I may be be too
  20. Not sure, will have to wait and see.