Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. PS2 games on the PS Store now?

    Just saw Virtua Fighter 5: Evolution and some truck game
  2. Godhand is the pick of the bunch I reckons. Don't think they're improved over BC PS3 versions, except maybe loading times.
  3. I'm downloading SSX demo, I shall forward you an invite so's I can get an extra character to play wid.
  4. The multiplayer of killzone 3 will be going 'free':

    Apparently the free version will include a level cap with the full multiplayer game available for $15 (probably be £10 for the UK). Out the end of February.

    Definitely recommend trying it; I had a lot of fun with it.
  5. Are we going for Twisted Metal then kids? I believe it is out in 2 weeks and the best price I have found at the moment is £34.99 on Play.
  6. I think it's worth getting if you liked the first 2; not sure if the multiplayer will be great for us, have to see what modes the final game has. I'm definitely going to pick it up anyway, loved the 2nd game and this had the same feel.
  7. Ok, got the Killzone 3 multiplayer thing. It's pretty hefty, like 4 gigs or summink.
  8. Careful you don't go too far; you've only got until Sargent.
  9. Had to download it again, corrupted file...
  10. We'll have to sort out a few games on that, should be good.
  11. I regret
  12. What do u regret, eh?
  13. Great, been trying to get online for 15 minutes but it seems the PSN is down. Why are they do shit at communicating these things? According to their website, it's fine. Yet a news site reported its down for maintenance. You'd think they might be getting better at this sort of thing by now.
  14. I'm still on
  15. Think you had to get on before 8pm. Bloody useless at communicating this stuff, could have planned my evening slightly differently and been fine.
  16. Looks like it was the Thursday maintenance that was postponed and moved to today.
  17. I always get paranoid when I turn my PS3 on and get an error other than down for maintenance from PSN, after the last time I always expect the worst.
  18. What errors are you getting now?
  19. I was talking about last night, had to look it up to find that it was down for maintenance as the error was just saying that PSN wasn't available.
  20. Anyone around tonight? if PSN is working, of course.