Didn't you have one not too long ago? I swear it's like schrodinger's cat with your possession of a ps3.
Hmmm, tonight's tricky for me but Sunday should be fine. I'll probably be on sporadically over other days
Then we should aim for Sunday. If you do get on tonight I will probably be caring on with my PS1 Final Fantasy-a-thon so message me with whatever you want to say in the subject. The fact that the PS3 stays online, can download stuff from PSN but can't let you into the XMB when emulating is a real pain in the arse.
Oh I still have it but I have no where to set it up at my grans. I'm working now so hopefully I'll have a new place in a few months or so after I save up. FFXIII-2 should be bargain bin prices by then too so I will pick that up.
Looks like I'm out of the picture now; we've got some friends coming over and watching me play Trine just won't fly I reckons.
You bastard, you should have told them you had plans. Sometimes I get the impression that Chi and myself mean nothing to you.
monsly only looks out for number one, you must have realised this from our session of Trine. He's a heartless bastard.
Incidentally, I've picked up Dead Rising 2. Two player co-op might be worth a shot, XP and items are saved on the non-host but story progress isn't. Also, there may be a new Soul Reaver game coming out. Exciting stuffs.
But Raziel is dead (well absorbed by the Reaver), how will that work then? I expected if they ever continued it would have been a blood omen title. Still its about time they got on with the story. Is Amy involved or are they ploughing on without her? Hopefully if not the quality wont suffer.
We don't need a reboot, we need continuation. The people who want a new Soul Reaver are going to be the people who know the series inside and out, what a waste of time, especially if it ends up being the same thing. They better get Michael Bell back, Raziel with any other voice just wouldn't work for me and Tony Jay was fantastic as the Elder God but him being dead is going to mean they HAVE to find someone else for the part. Wonder if they will fit Turel in this time?
Michael Bell is the voice of Raziel Tony Jay was the voice of the Elder God but died IRL Turel was one of Raziel's 'brothers' but they ran out of time and cut his area out in SR1. He appeared as a boss in Defiance. I really got into the Soul Reaver + Blood Omen games back in the day although BO2 was done by a different bunch and has a lot of mistakes. Defiance as with the other SR games ended with more questions than it answered so its always been a pain in the arse that the story was never finished. Still SR1 was my favourite of the 3 and I hope they make the Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab, Dumah fights into puzzles again like they did in SR1 with the possible addition of Turel. That was one of the biggest let downs of SR2 was that you didn't those fantastic boss fights where you have to think about how to take them down. Actually the boss fights in BO2 were probably its only redeeming feature as they too were well done and along the same lines.
Ugh, talking about voice actors, I'm not sure I want to get the Silent Hill HD collection since Konami have redone the voice acting in Silent Hill 3. There's also a bunch of voice sync and technical issues plaguing the PS3 version. ANd they've fiddled with the lines. In one of Claudia's speeches they changed the word "despoiled" to "unspoiled" completely changing the meaning of thexjkgniobud lsidnsgiengziduguidbckbxxd bkf
Amen to that brother. This applies to all games and films, fucking reboots. You guys hear about Michael Bay making the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot where they don't come into contact with a mutagen and hail from the sewers, now they come from space? From space! Fucking reboots.