Playstation Online

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by monsly, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Anyone around over the weekend?
  2. Tomorrow is out but free otherwise I think.
  3. I can do Saturday after 9pm and Sunday from 6.57.
  4. Why am I not on the list? 4 years and still no respect :'( I'll be free all weekend
  5. Tsk, you need to be a forum member first you know. I'll put your name to the nomination committee and see if you can be added. What's your PSN ID again? NO JOKE.
  6. I don't even know why I hang with you -.-
  7. Who are you Mr. Secret newbie?
  8. I am the mysterious Japanese man. Fear me
  9. No need to fear him, he's actually a midget, 4 foot 7 I think it was. Bit of a temper though. Angry midget.
  10. 4'7" where the hell did you get that from? I'm 6'5" if you must know
  11. Now that's a blatant lie if ever I saw one

    Blah, my internet is down. Guess I'll play a single player game. Maybe Diablo 3. Oh wait, I can't.
  12. Interwebz down? You suck and no it isn't a lie :p
  13. I thought you brits measured in meter (tre...) or something... how much is that in centimeters??
  14. Lmao I'm American
  15. Internets is back!

    So who's on tonight?
  16. I'll be on in about 45 mins I think
  17. -.- whenever you give a time like that it ends up being hours
  18. Well, I am running 10 minutes late..,
  19. Lol see. And where is my name on the front page?