monsly, you turd, what happened to all your free time? I told you you'd regret building your walls from nothing but videogame cases.
Told you before, I pissed it all away. Basically, my wife decided we should use our week off to sort out the house from the attic to the shed. My original plan was to sit on my arse and play games but this was soon over-ruled. I even had to box up some of my games to make room - around 200 PS2 games and 80 PS1 games were sent to boxes bound for the attic. It chills me to the bone just writing that. Still, could be around this week - when's good for people?
I think you were just being a bastard to be honest. I was on last week during the day, you came on and instead of asking if I wanted to play a bit you stuck a single player game on you scumbag. Final warning, continue spending more time with your wife than us and you're out of the gang!
I was considering playing a game with you that day but I had no idea how long I had - was basically sneaking some game time whilst my wife was on the phone to her family. Had over an hour, I'm sure you're glad to hear.
His cursed interwebz have attacked his entire house. It may now be haunted if the internetz gremlins have escaped into the wiring of his house. Don't be surprised if the toaster spontaneously implodes when you plug it in.
His lag tonight was some of the best yet, couldnt trade, jumped all over the place. When I left Chi was begging for me to kill him while trying to play Toejam and Earl with him.
We managed 19 minutes of glitchy laggy gameplay. I swear his router is connected via a piece of string and two empty cans.
I think I'm heading back to a wired connection. Tonight was a rather painful experience, it must be said.
Wireless has always been fine for me. I've never had any issues like monsly or armadeadn. They must still be on 56k and using pringles tubes.