We also created the matrix. Yes, it does exist, but only we know that you dont know that they dont know that we know you dont know. You know?
We also invented Inception. Not the film, the actual idea of Inception. We figured out a way to go into someone's dreams and plant the idea of coming up with a way to go into someone's dreams to plant an idea.
The hammer being your penis, and the nail being the girl. It's a quote from the first scary movie when the guy is ridiculed for having a tiny penis and he implied that it doesn't matter if you have a small dick if you're banging a hottie.
Re: Re: PVC Member Awards 2012 But hammers are massive compared to nails. And why are girls shaped like nails?
But it still doesn't make any sense. Hammers are always bigger than nails no matter how small they are.