PVC Member Awards 2012

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by supersonic, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Nope. I've seen nails bigger than hammers.
  2. So anyway, have I won biggest noob again yet or what?
  3. A giant Pussy? Chubby chaser are you! ;D
  4. Kinda. You're 1/4 biggest noob. Results on post#2
  5. Well at least 4 people voted.
  6. That is actually the best turnout @ 40% of active users. I thought about breaking the tie with my vote, but I would've only tied the best member vote. No way in hell I would've given it to that scat happy dumpster bandit.
  7. You could've tied the best member vote? So who was second, eh? That bfun bastard I bet. I saw him courting the powerful PC cartel. I'm going to properly strategise my campaign next year.

    You should vote straightaway so you can take part impartially. Personally I'd vote last so I could influence everything and inflate my own sense of power.
  8. Whoever voted me a noob needs a slap.
  9. It could be 2 people voted for you or even 3. We do have a lot of voters here you know. I didn't vote for you in that category BTW.
  10. Then you win a kiss. It was prob Monkey and Khaid anyway the swines.
  11. Either the suspense is killing me, or it's just the cocaine.
  12. Results are in post 2 of this thread. I reckon you've sniffed up too much, alterego. Only the dog rippers of this world should dabble with the devil's dandruff.
  13. Re: Re: PVC Member Awards 2012

    I said I would vote for shits and giggles but I ended up forgetting.
  14. I never voted myself as thought no one would. Ah well.
  15. I didn't vote either... I'll probably take up monsly suggestion next time.
  16. How can the best member also be tied for biggest n00b?

    Also, I never voted, so don't blame me for the results.
  17. 4 voters. don't expect serious results that make sense
  18. sounds like the 4 voters weren't even members either! lol... that'd be pretty funny, 4 stalkers all voting for somebody they don't even know about.
  19. More people need to vote you lazy bastards. Unlike governmental elections your vote matters here!