Definitely Eddie Redmayne as Stephen Hawking. He was perfectly cast and was totally beivable in the role. Michael Keaton plays a hack actor who is just known for one superhero role, birdman. Also perfectly cast because that's keaton in real life. Problem is that he's still kind of a hack actor. It's Edward Norton who steals the show in Birdman. Birdman was a weird movie and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It was simultaneously mocking something but it also seemed to be the exact thing it was mocking. Sincerely,
Edit: crap I deleted supersonics post asking who was the better best actor by accident. Not used to typing on a phone.
Ah ha. I was sure I had a post deleted a few days ago and now I have a prime suspect. But yeah it's easy to do and I've come close to deleting others people post before. "Remove" looks like "Reply" when you're moving fast.