As someone who is currently having to watch someone undergo this awful fucking disease I find this comment to be perhaps the most stupid fucking thing I've read on the internet. The suggestion that God gave you cancer so you could beat it and learn a thing or two is at best naive and at worst...well there isnt a word that I can even use to sum up such an enormously fucking retarded statement. Yes, teach people a lesson by giving them a disease which literally eats you alive, what a fantastic and benevolent God you have. Seriously, I love how religious crackpots explain horrific shit in this world as being like trials or tests from God instead of just horrific shit that just fucking happens. Or how they follow the rules laid out in a piece of fiction, to live their lives in pious servitude of a deity who will damn them to an eternity of hell fire if they don't live good lives...a simpler idea would be to just teach people what is morally right rather than trying to scare them with hell or bribe them with heaven. Faith should be something you have in yourself; to be the best person you can be without the promises or threats from some deity who can supposedly see everything that everybody does every second of the day. It's a crock of shit.
And where do you get the nerve to say I MUST know there is no god?? Especially when right in front of your face I tell you there IS a God AND I present to you MY evidence! Don't accept my evidence if you like, in fact you CAN'T accept my evidence for it is MINE, get your own evidence, it would mean much more! Now WHY do you try so hard to disregard MY theory when you have YOUR very own theory right here in 'they MUST know there is no god.' Yeah, mr chauvinist, I see your lies and I'll turn the other cheek. You'll be lucky to get anything else out of me on this. subject.
lol that is me to a 'T'. But actually, I think it's Trigonometry, that (like Statistics) is a math field, but has more in common with Physics in general. I did great in that class. I'm actually great in maths (except for Statistics), decent in Physics, but can't do a lick in Chemestry and other Sciences. I'm also a protege in Writing believe it or not... but suck at Grammar :/.
well I am sorry. Sorry you have to see that, sorry I survived, sorry when I watch those who struggle. But most of all sorry you seem to take that as me saying 'Only God can save thus those who are saved could ONLY be saved by God, and God will ONLY save his chosen! Those who are struggling MUST be NOT chosen by God! Nyanyah! I was C-H-O-S-E-N!!' Not only is that REALLY long, but I would NEVER say something like that. I have reletives who have died from various forms of Cancer, I have relatives (one in her 50s the other in her TEENS) struggling with it. Cancer (and brain cists) seems to run in my family. Please accept my apology I did NOT mean anything other than IF (and I stress 'IF') My God sent me this disease I have no regrets about praising him for releasing me from it.
Why would you praise a God who gave you cancer? Either God doesn't exist, or he's a sadistic asshole who likes making people suffer.
If cancer runs in your family, does that mean your god thinks you all need to be tested? Do you not show enough deference to him? Or your will to live? What about those who fight til the very end but still die? Did they not want to live enough?
God is just a made up thing for people to believe in. If there was nothing to believe in then there we be chaos. There were gods around before Christianity so I doubt the Christian one is real.
Precisely. What makes the Christian god more special than any other god? Why can we just ignore other gods but not the Christian one? Why? It's all because the Christian churches are all-fucking-powerful in terms of subverting droves gullible people and stealing all their money. And hence they get all the media coverage and public exposure that they need to keep their 'authoritarian' position.
@pdraggy You again mention evidence you have given but you haven't actually given any evidence. You told me that billions of people believe in god but you assume that because so many believe then they must be correct. Lets look at another system people put their faith in, astrology. An ancient belief that the position of the stars somehow governs our day to day lives. We know that the star charts astrology was based on are now incorrect and I think we all know it's a crock of shit but millions of people believe in it. How can so many people believe in something we know to be bullshit? I think of religion as a virus, you start out with a small group of people who create their own belief system which they decide to be true. They then branch out and spread their system among new people and they then branch out and convert more and more people to the system. After a while you have a religious epidemic and billions of people believe something created by only a few people. If we go back to the small group of people who created the religion and decide that they are wrong then every other person who has converted to this system is also wrong. If we go back to the dawn of christianity and decide that jesus was just a good talker like Hitler rather than a messiah we then bring down the whole system and billions of people are shown to believe something that isn't true.
The real Gaffer doesn't use logic; he uses bias and repetition to get his opinions though! Where are you hiding the REAL gaffer... who ever you are?
Jesus was most likely a con man, an early street magician. His "miracles" were most likely nothing more than simple tricks. Remember, this was before people believed in witches so I'm guessing they were easily impressed and his stories were greatly exaggerated and turned into tales, which in turn were put with yet more tales and that became the Bible. Derren Brown does a similar thing these days, except well all know it's a trick. They probably didn't back then.
Ever seen the family guy episode where future stewie goes to biblical times for a holiday? Oh, I've just realised I've hit half the posts required for a number suitable to annoy christians.
There's something in what you write, however remember that magicians were years before Christs and very few of them are as famous and got such attention. It's probably because of what he's been saying. It's the combination of the two: words and deeds which attracted people years after His death. However, someone with advanced abilities, like manipulation of time or space (and it could just be advanced science with no magic & miracles at all) who also tells stories of truth, justice, comprehension, eternal life etc. could probably easily become todays prophet. Just look what happens in places like Medugorie or Heroldsbach and how selective the Church is in accepting such occurences (Medugorie is unofficialy accepted and people from over the world pilgrimage there, Heroldsbach has been rejected even though both are quite similar in nature). And yes, two thousands years ago and now, many people do not need God nor faith, they just need miracles and prophets, it does not matter whether such prophets are true or false (and how to be able to know that?). How do we know that Fatima, Medugorie and other incidents are really manifestations of the Holy Mother and Jesus? I believe we can't, however they are officially accepted and we learn about Miracles of the Sun and other completely unlikely stories.
this is logic, not like his previous viewpoint labeling Torq and I as 'abnormalitys'. His previous position was like asking the crowd 'who among you holds these ideas!' He was performing nothing but a which hunt! I however do apreciate the logic, a-long with the ones from the others as well. I don't have time right now, going to my 'heathenistic' gathering currently lol. I'll get back later -_- don't die k? lol
Well, I've studied the matter years ago and it seems that self-proclaimed sons of God are rather common. I have no idea how many of them were magicians though
I guess jesus was just in the right place at the right time when he started his cult. If he was around now he would probably get shot by the FBI or die in a fire at a ranch in Texas.