Religion..... any point to it?

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by gafferuk1981, May 12, 2011.

  1. Why the hell would proving the bible makes mention to dinosaurs make it MORE credible? Bahaha dinosaurs died out millions of years before man existed. That's fact.

    Gotta love it when people just make things up. We had an RE teacher in early highschool (1 class a week for a few months) that said the same thing about dinosaurs not fitting on noah's ark so that's why they died off. I guess actually knowing facts isn't a prerequisite for teaching children about religion; making things up is probably encouraged.
  2. This one I like, no I would not be one of these people thinking those things didn't exist. They weren't invented or discovered back then so they would not even enter my mind.

    I can't imagine there were groups of people worshipping the telephone and another group denying it existed.

    The difference with god is people were claiming that god existed from nothing, there was no evidence then and there is no evidence now yet people believe but only for one main reason. They are scared of dying and having no afterlife.

    How far is god supposed to reach, there are billions of people on earth, there are billions of stars each with their own planets so there is potential for literally billions and billions and billions of intelligent lifeforms. Are we supposed to believe that there is a god who can watch over each lifeform and affect each ones life. It's a frankly ridiculous notion.

    I am not the best educated here from a science perpspective so somebody here will be able to answer this question for me.

    How many laws of physics would the existence of a god break?
  3. There are roughly 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, and there are billions of galaxies in the universe. The idea that the earth is somehow special in all of that is kind of laughable. We're an insignificant speck.
  4. Infact Cmdr, recent evidence for the climates on some extra-solar planets already catalouged points to there being quite a few planets just like ours.

    In other words, probablity works.
  5. I couldn't agree more, we are a grain of sand on a very big beach.
  6. I think it's funny that Noah apparently held two of every animal on his ark. Was his ark the size of Africa? If it wasn't I doubt he could fit two of EVERY animal on there. Also why was there two of every animal all in one place for Moses to rescue? There's nothing about that story that's even remotely probable.
  7. It seems those heathen people who died in the flood deserved it for being
    Also, this comment by the author is... Well, yeah.
  8. That's true. My intention was to show that if people believe that has nothing to do with science. If people disbelieve it also has nothing to do with science. Only agnosticism is scientific.

    In my private list, fear is one of the worst motivations, yet you are right - this is one of the major motivations for a lot of people. It's the problem with specific religions (like Christianity) as I haven't noticed fear as major motivations to believe in Hinduism, for example.

    My imagination is then bigger, since I can imagine this easily. Technically this sounds impossible but conceptually - you were able to state it in two sentences, it's simple then :)

    I like simple mind games like "if God can create anything then is God capable of creating a stone he will be unable to lift it?" Here you have more about it, with common solutions which solve specific cases.
  9. It's the Drake Equation which shows just how many potential civilisations there are in the Universe and it produces a fairly insane number. However, it becomes incredibly small when you factor in the likelyhood that a technologically advanced civilization will wipe itself out with technology or be wiped out in a cosmic disaster.
  10. As someone has joked, Drake Equation can be simplified to "Super-simplified Drake Equation":

    N = S * p


    N is the number of civilisations we possibly can communicate with
    S is the number of planets
    p is the probability that a planet contains a civilisation we can possibly communicate with

    Thus the simplified fomula is based on one unknown factor, p, instead of few unknown factors in the original equation. The simplification does not make the formula more usable but, unlike the original, it's short and easy to remember.

    The intention of this comment is that there are things which looks like scientific which are completely unscientific, Drake's Equation is one of them.
  11. What the Hell dude?? You lookin for the Bible to use a term that didn't even exist in that day?? Your nuts!

    questions and faith do not live on the same plain. You question things of the passed, you have faith in things of the future.

    Now excuse me as I tend to my lawn... which seems to have evolved into some kind of weedy puppy poop monster.
  12. As I said, the known world consisted of one region and in all probability that's the only region that was flooded. That's the theory anyway. I'm not trying to argue with this or anything. Besides I don't care much about the specifics... But if so, if all the most evil people were gathered up into one area (sounds terrible but that's the old testament for ya) you'd only need the indigenous species to survive.

    That's just my box of chocolates on the issue, I have no intention on debating that.
  13. I think the intention of this comment is just to appear as a smart arse. The Drake Equation doesn't claim to be a scientific proof of anything rather just shows just how big the universe is and how much possibility there is for civilizations to develop; let alone life. When we consider what we know about Biology today and how life can develop in environments we'd previously considered hostile or inhabitable the potential increases again.

    The fact is, the Drake Equation is more valid and meaningful than any of the religious mumbo jumbo that people believe in yet you are more prepared to try and dismiss intelligent and rational thought in an attempt to prop up baseless spritual beliefs. I'm quite taken back that someone as intelligent as yourself could adopt this stance.

    Religion ruins another mans life, wouldn't the world be so much better without it.

    Four men so sure that there's is the one true god they would attack a teacher for teaching muslims about other faiths.

    They should have just watched The Untouchables like I remember doing in RE at school, our teacher gave up trying to teach us RE very early as we knew it was bullshit.
  15. Five years? That's all they got for nearly killing someone?

    In the US they would have been charged with attempted murder and spent the next two decades praying to allah to spare them from Fleece "Booty Warrior" Johnson and the Tossed Salad Man.
  16. Yea punishment system here in EU is abit fcked up.