And what are they calling a "pitbull?" Just the actual APBT? Or as they usually do, also lump in "pitbull mixes," bully breeds, bandogges, "pitbull-like dogs," "dangerous dogs," "powerful breeds," and often entirely different breeds like Boxers, Bullmastiffs, Bull Terriers, and several others and mixes. If you call any well-muscled dog with a with a large head a "pitbull," suddenly your number of "pitbulls" grows dramatically. Dianne Whipple was supposedly killed by a "pitbull" according to the news, except that was a Presa Canario, a totally separate breed that is over 40 lbs. heavier. Anything that remotely resembles an APBT is called a "pitbull" in the media and unfortunately often in bite and fatality statistics. The American Pitbull Terrier is an actual breed, not a gumbo mix of any dog with bulldog ancestry. Where is the real ABPT? There's also the obvious problem that the current negative image of the APBT attracts some of the most degenerate thugs of society to buy them, which leads to pretty disastrous results for the dogs. If thugs bought Rottweilers or Cane Corsos, they'd actually be more effective in doing their dirty work, as they have natural instincts to patrol and protect bred into them, something APBTs aren't great at, but they're usually to dumb to figure that out.
Awh. Look at how cute they are with their little tails wagging as they rip the flesh off that guy. You can really tell that these are good dogs. Bravo to the Dad of the year who brings his daughter in as close as possible to watch.
The owner ordered them to attack the guy, but once pitbulls start on a kill crazy rampage, there's no calling them off. This is why they're not considered suitable for police work. They aren't like a German Shepherd where you can just tell them to stop.
Remember when I said you could just pull their legs apart to kill them? Lol. The most shocking part of the video for me was the sheer volume of people who stood there limply swatting at the dogs like they were small flies. What the fuck did they think that would achieve?