Yeah, I missed the multiple skin themes from the original PVCF. Hint, hint. No clue Supersonic, but give it a day or two and Monkey and Ichi will sort everything. Edit: The stay logged in always tab thing is not working. Once I leave this forum I have to re add my details to log in every time. Any clue how I can sort this as it is annoying.
I think it will be very nice once we get everything sorted out. People have been wanting a way to view the forums from their mobile phones for several years. Don't forget that the punBB forum had a ton of issues out of the gate too.
There seems to be some glitches with the login/passwords on this new version of the site. The site wouldn't allow me to log in as alterego with my prior PVCF3 password. :-\
You need to request a new password (forgotten my password), Ichi broke it when he moved the forum. There was a message on the front page telling people to do this but not sure if it is gone.
I went back to just one section for gaming. Everything is multiplatform these days. The more I thought about it, it just doesn't make sense to split it up any more. You end up with a bunch of sections that are all basically about the same thing. You may have to log out of tapatalk and log back in to get it to display the forums correctly.
It's really not that different. Recent posts are at the bottom. I'd recommend grabbing the mobile app while it's free if you have an Android phone.
I'm guessing tapatalk. A few of us are using it, im using it now. Browsing the forum is much easier now and you can find all your forums in one place and easily switch between them. Worth the £1.99 IMO
Anything new for this forum regarding the posting of video? Previous video posts don't necessarily seem to be working now.
They may have turned off the flash tags, there was a flash button next to pictures in the options above where you post at first but it seems to have gone.
Flash videos should be working but the convention for using it different now. Use "" - I will try and write a mod to make old tags from the last forum work here. but in the meantime, use this.
Backslashes are used to escape apostrophes when you provide literals in SQL so that ' is treated as a part of literal rather than a mark of its end. For some reason then, apostrophes were escaped when the data was read from the source database but were not unescaped when the data was written to the destination database. This could probably be fixed by a single SQL UPDATE statement to deescape all posts in posts table.