Site Feedback

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by cmdrmonkey, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I think you should ditch the "Nerd" in "Nintendo Nerdvana". Just have it be "Nintendo Nirvana", which is more in line with the other gaming threads. Why should the Nintendo area be the only one that makes a joke about the end users in the title?

    Also, I agree with the others comments about the overall display width of the site. Compressing it a bit more would be ideal. Overall though, this is a huge improvement on the forumotion ghetto.
  2. I like the 'show new posts' thingy, it just trows you to the page where you stopped viewing last time.
  3. LOL. Forumotion was a shitpile. I already changed the title of the Nintendo Forum, and I'll adjust the forum width tonight when I get home.
  4. Dunno if its needed, but you dont need any registration confirmation here. Might there be a chance we get spambots with all the rolex and viagra crap?
  5. Already taken care of.
  6. Thread view count only appears from the index. The active topics and view count link doesn't show it.
  7. Is this width ok or do you want it narrower?
  8. The idea is for people to put it right in their profile so you don't need to go hunting through the threads.

    As bfun mentioned, people are going to post videos. The only questions is whether the forum makes it easier to watch those videos or harder.

    Maybe that was because there was no forum for it ;)
  9. People view the forum from mobile phones. Youtube tags will make that a disaster. So again, no.
  10. I think this place is perfect now from a practical point of view. Anything more would be purely aesthetic.
  11. From a practical point of view we should tell people to not use their stinking mobile phones. Those people are the greatest threat to the free Internet.
  12. Shut up, you. I've mainly been posting from my phone out of necessity so I welcome this layout. If we have to fight to death over this, so be it.
  13. Seriously. I'd say the vast majority of the time now I'm viewing or posting from my mobile phone. Mobile friendly sites are the future.
  14. Then it's already too late. God help us.
  15. You're one of the last people left on the planet who still uses a dumbphone.

    I think Chairmansteve still has one. He also still uses a Pentium 4 and Gamecube.
  16. I prefer to think of it as an average intelligence phone.
  17. Changed the background color to grey for now. White was too harsh.
  18. Still seems to be White on my phone...
  19. Main background, not the background of the board.
  20. I see nothing grey anywhere.