Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by bfun, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Your in for an awesome time.
  2. I have reservations to see it next Wednesday at a high-end theater with waiters who bring booze and food. Should be a good time. The theater is showing Star Wars on all screens. Opted for the 2D showing since 3D gives me headaches and nausea.
  3. People are saying this is a sequel/reboot like Jurassic World. A good bit of nostalgia for older generations but also new for a younger crowd. I think I'd totally be down with that. I'm gonna try my luck for next Wednesday or Thursday.
  4. I really liked the new Jurassic Park, so that sounds good to me.
  5. It's a sequel to the original 3 films and in their original style and spirit. I'm not sure I'd call it a reboot. It's more like they just pick up where they left off after Return of the Jedi. In that regards it's what the old school fans have been wanting for the last 30 years. I kind of wished I'd watched the original 3 again before I saw this one.
  6. The prequels never should have been made. All of the relevant plot from them was there in the original trilogy. The turned Darth Vader from an evil unstoppable badass into a whiney emo bitch. It sounds like this was the sequel everyone was wanting 15 years ago.
  7. Supersonic = Legend!
  8. Saw it today with my two older kids (10/8). Speaking for myself who saw the Return of the Jedi back in 83 as a 7 years old - I am disappointed with the newest one. It lacks everything, the plot, the characters, the visuals. Far beyond the Revenge of Siths not to mention the Empire strikes back / Return of the Jedi.

    I just expected more, there was no single wow for me during the movie and the last time I was so disappointed was with the Pantom Menace and Jar Jar stuff. With the only difference is that there is no Jar Jar this time to blame for everything.
  9. I'm going to avoid any spoilers as promised but I'm in agreement with about 90% of what you said. I'd like to start a spoilers discussion thread but I think Grim said tapatalk will makes previews of new post. Does tapatalk preview the nsfw folder?
  10. So two people think it's awesome and two people think it sucks. Not sure if I should cancel my tickets.
  11. I don't think it sucks. I just think in some ways it's weaker than many of the previous films. Not the best of them. Not the worst. You should still see it.
  12. lol... dude it's just $20 and 2 hours of your time. Plus you're gonna get food and drinks.

    I unchecked the NSFW board from Tapatalk, they also don't index the recycle bin. Full disclosure, Tapatalk deactivated us Sept 30th and shouldn't work at all. So, no idea if their rogue skynet app will actually follow parameters...
  13. iPic is like 30 or 40 a ticket from what I remember. So $60-80 for me and my wife. Not worth it unless the movie is awesome. If it's prequel caliber, I'm cancelling the tickets.

    You guys are saying it's worse than Revenge of the Sith, which was pretty awful. Answer this question, is it better or worse than The Phantom Menace?
  14. I'd say it's better. If you like the original 3 you're probably going to like this one. It's very much like them and nothing like the last 3. I would think the nostalgia alone would justify the ticket prices.
  15. Early reports are saying this did $238M (#1) in North America and $517M (#2) worldwide. I expect both will be revised upwards for undisputed #1 finishes. If they opened China simultaneously, this could've taken down $610-630M easy... not sure why Disney held off.

    Rumors say $1.5B is Disney's internal minimum for + ROI on the LucasFilm acquisition. I think it's gonna finish in the $2.2B range. I called for $260M US and $580M worldwide... wonder if holiday shopping had any impact.

    Will probably coast through all #1 records except all-time. Going to come in #2 to Avatar.
  16. 1.5 billion minimum for this movie alone? because they have a ton of stuff going on that is earning for the star wars franchise alone. such as the Disney infinity 3.0 star wars stuff.. along with their relaunch of all of the star wars toys and other apparel.
  17. Probably for wall streets satisfaction... box office receipts can be booked faster, likely the next quarter.

    It's still the tentpole pic to drive all the other revenue streams. Apparently merchandising alone will be worth $5B in 2016. Adding in home video and TV this will exceed $10B for Disney.

    You're right though. Makes no sense. Maybe they are setting soft expectations so they can claim a grand slam later.
  18. It's not that it sucks, it is just slightly disappointing with no single wow.

    I buy this story of the spirit of first three episodes, I just expected something beyond what I saw 30 years ago.

    In terms of visuals, I dare to say this one if made 30 years ago would be close to what we have. I am not going to spoil anything if I mention one of the very first scenes where the girl meets the droid for the very first time. There is a small droid hunter on a creature and the creature moves so badly you almost feel all the four simple engines that make it moving. Like a B or C class s-f movie.
  19. The star wars films have all been pretty bad
  20. I pretty much agree with all that.