I completed the Steam sticker books. It doesn't give you any kind of reward. Kind of disappointed, though I don't know what I expected.
I just finished playing Firewatch yesterday. I wouldn't pay full price for it but enjoyed the experience for the most part. I like trying games that take a unique approach. A lot depended on the voice acting and dialogue being good, which fortunately was impressive and entertaining.
The voice work was really good for an indie game. The only thing that threw me a little was that the woman also does the voice of Cortana. I would love it if this developer can follow the game up with something a bit bigger. The map was a good size and had plenty of room to add more. Imagine what they could do with a bigger map, more attention to little details and a greater focus of the Metroid-like elements of having to go back to old areas to open new pathways. Tons of potential. They nailed the atmosphere also. Very well done. I used to hike quite a bit and the environment felt very familiar in that regard.
Not yet but I've really gotten into these new point and click adventure games. Gone Home, Life is Strange, Tales from the Borderland...
You recognize her from Halo or Windows 10? The game was unique and I think I enjoyed the experience. The map was a good size for that game. It was sized to match the story telling. If it took 5 minutes to go somewhere it was because they wanted 5 minutes of music and dialog. A bigger map would mess up the ratio unless they added a lot more story. Did you try the commentary play-through? I thought putting the camera pictures in the credits was a great idea. I kept wondering if I was going to get to see the first few pictures of that film.
Cortana from the Halo games. I didn't notice the photos fin the credits. I wasn't really paying attention. Was there anything important to the story?
It went through all the photos you took with the camera during the game and ended with the 3 pictures already taken by Brian Goodwin before you find the camera. Those 3 pictures may have been important depending on how you responded during the ending. They could provide some insight that would make you rethink your judgement of Ned Goodwin. Either way, you could actually get all your in game pictures "developed" like 35mm roll film and mailed to you. That's another unique feature of the game.
Steam is trying to fight review bombs by adding graphs. A review bomb is when organised digital mobs create positive or negative reviews to manipulate games scores. It might be useful. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/09/20/steam-review-bombs/#more-478371
Outlast +DLC is free humble bundle. Going for about $28 on Steam and has a 80/8.4 on Metacritic. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/outlast-deluxe
Fallout is free. I believe it's the 20 year anniversary today. http://store.steampowered.com/app/38400/Fallout_A_Post_Nuclear_Role_Playing_Game/