Steam Summer Sale 2018

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by cmdrmonkey, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Let's see. Here are all the games I bought and will never play.

    The Division
    Shadow of War Gold Edition
    Over Cooked Gourmet Edition
    Telltale Batman
    Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy
    Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition
    • lol lol x 1
  2. The Survival DLC for Division was $3 on the UPlay store last time I looked. That was the best part of that game.
  3. I bought The Witcher 3. Lets see if I ever get around to installing it. :D
  4. Should I buy Assassins Creed Origins for $30?
  5. Yes. Supposed to be the best one since 2 and Black Flag.