Tablets are a Fad

Discussion in 'Technology' started by cmdrmonkey, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Toshiba decided to break the 10" barrier and will be releasing a 13.3" tablet with tv tuner.
  2. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I got my Mom a Kindle Fire for Mothers day It was only $140. She's is the opposite of tech savvy but loves to play tablet games so I think this might be a good choice for her. Meanwhile my Nook Color CM7 has gone untouched for a few months. I've been meaning to try ice cream Sandwich on it.
  3. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    ics makes a huge difference. i've used my touchpad alot more with ics than when i had gingerbread on it. the combined bar and real tablet browser interface (along with the tablet ui with google apps) make a huge difference.
  4. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Does ICS have flashplayer? I read something months ago about it being removed?

    I recently picked up a 10.1" 1280x800 Toshiba Thrive (refurb $199). It's significantly superior to the Kindle Fire, and has built in USB & HDMI. Pretty good netbook replacement, that will get ICS soon. Not as cool or as light as the Galaxy Tab, but for the price and practicality it can't be beat.
  5. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    stock ics browser yes. chrome browser no.
  6. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    What the gay? Am I using stock browser on 3.2.1? It looks looks and behaves alot like Chrome as compared to Android 2.2 stock browser.

    I think it's stock. It's good enough... maybe I will give Chrome a shot.
  7. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I got the wife an iPad 2 a few months ago. She really likes it. I took it with me on a week long trip and came to the conclusion that I'm not really a tablet kind of guy. I like the games. Infinity Blade was great but despite what anyone says it's still just a casual game with mediocre controls. Ultimately I couldn't get over the keyboard issue and that issue was no keyboard. At times I would browse PVC on the iPad but I always went to my laptop to type anything out. In fact I like the keyboard on my Blackberry more than the iPad touch controls. So in my humble opinion tablets are good for gaming and movie watching and maybe even web browsing as long as you don't have to type anything.

    my netbook > my laptop > iPad > Nook Color

    Yes I still love my netbook and in fact I bet it can even play Diablo III better than my i5 laptop can.
  8. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    The most important part of that enormous paragraph is that you still have a Blackberry. I've never used a more useless device. You can't even set more than 1 alarm on the fucking thing. I do miss the notification light though.

    Personally I have come to like tablets better than laptop/netbooks. You are correct about the typing though, I surf PVCF3 on the tablet. But will respond via my phone because it's easier to thumb or wait for the next next available opportunity at a PC. My post count has suffered tremendously.
  9. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I anticipated your hate filled rage spew. I still like it. Real keyboard and outlook mail synchronizes perfectly. I also like the mouse.

    I suspect that the whole internet is suffering. It's like a cancerous infection of keyboard sucky-ness
  10. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I have something similar to swype on the stock keyboard for my phone so typing is fairly pain free for me. It's kinda cool, instead of tap tap ra tap, I go swoosh swoosh swoosh.
  11. Re: Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    ya, you would be on stock browser in honeycomb. chrome is only compatible on ics.

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    See, I'm running ICS on my Arc and I swear the stock browser is based on android chrome, it's got the bookmark syncing and the mini image tab browser.

    I downloaded chrome and it has tabs across the top, which is different, but the stock browser has a cool quick thumb menu in the "labs" section which pops up a semicircular menu when you press on either side of the screen. Also plays flash, so I'm impressed.
  13. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    It' just has the google account syncing for your bookmarks on the ics stock browser.

    Otherwise, chrome for android has the open tab syncing which allows you to open any open tabs (or last open tabs) from another device using chrome and vice versa on other chrome browsers.

    Both browsers are awesome, but I prefer to use chrome beta overall. It loads pages a bit faster, but at the same time the non-flash capability doesn't effect me as I don't browse pages that need it.
  14. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Been playing with the Kindle Fire a bit. It's was definitely designed to be an Amazon media delivery system. The interface is real simple with categories instead of icons. There is a little lag but it's not as bad as my Nook Color. It feels like Android covered in Amazon. Probably good for the less tech savvy.
  15. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Ah I see. I never leave any tabs open on my pc. I even close my browser!
  16. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I've always wondered what people on this forum considered "tech savvy" to actually be. The sales volume of Android and iOS devices generally = mass audience, not a tech audience.
  17. Re: Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    It actually still keeps track if you close any tabs. I checked what it remembered earlier and it showed the last 4 tabs I had opened on my laptop and I havent turned my laptop on in the last 3 weeks.
  18. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I've always thought of Android as having a complex interface. IOS is probably a smoother more organised interface but also more simple. The Kindle Fire reminds me of the PS3 interface.
  19. Re: Re: Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I actually close every individual tab before I choose the browser. It makes me feel better.
  20. Re: Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I don't think the organization of the OS really has much relevance in terms of whether it's users should generally considered to be more savvy or not.

    And my guess would be that both Android and iOS have functionality/features that the majority of users aren't aware of. For example, after you used the iPad 2 for a week, could you say off-hand what the four and five finger gestures are for in terms of OS navigation? If you did know that, would you really count that as much in terms of savvy, or just "need to know", as in you wanted to know the deeper gesture set.

    I think a lot of the "savvy" stuff is really just related to what you bought the device to be used for. Many people simply aren't interested in a lot of it, rather than not being savvy enough to use it.