Tablets are a Fad

Discussion in 'Technology' started by cmdrmonkey, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Did consumers buy PC's mainly for work? How often do you think the general consumer market uses PC's or laptops for anything outside of web browsing, email, videos, photos, and casual games? Smartphones and tablets already capable of more sophisticated uses than that, and most general consumers probably already spend more time with their smartphone than their home PC.
  2. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    True, it’s darn near impossible for me. I have a friend in sales that loves his iPad. Last time we talked he was still switching back and forth between that and the laptop. He takes notes on his iPad but keeps all his software on the laptop. My co-worker bought an iPad and an Android tablet in the same week. He was very excited when he got them and brought them to work every day. Now he just uses them at home to browse the Internet.
  3. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I would agree and that’s why I expect laptop sales to take a hit but tablets still can’t run the whole gambit yet. Their primary function is still data consumption and entertainment. Laptops still come out ahead in data entry and general work.
  4. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I would find that a lot more believable if tablets were actually useful in a work environment, and if every ipad competitor hadn't flopped.

    Not only do I not see tablets overtaking traditional PCs, but I would be amazed if anything but the ipad is still around in a year or two.
  5. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    See now I thought you were proposing tablet gaming would replace CONSOLES now your saying they'll replace pc's?? My actual issue is you mention casual games but... what about hardcore games?? Will they be relegated to consoles, will they be relegated to the niche, left over, pc crowd? What of? How could Tablets take over both??

    This would be a TERRIBLE thing for the games industry, hard core games easily drives the industry and for some reason your telling some kind of dooms tale where tablets relegate any hard core devices into obscurity! What I'm saying here is I just don't think so. Not in a MILLION years, at least not both ways.

    I see the cisc crowd taking over the laptop segment maybe sometime in the next 10-20 years... but I doubt anything will challenge the hardcore risc crowd on the pc.
  6. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Smartphones and tablets are conversion devices, and the mass market never really used computers for much more than what I already listed plus some basic word processing and home office kinds of uses. They can already replace that stuff for most people.

    As for hardcore games, they could replace PC's in the same way they could replace consoles. The "barriers" that most people think of are really just accessories like gamepads, keyboards, and mice. It's not a big deal to wirelessly connect any of those things these days. In a few years, connecting your smartphone or tablet to a monitor and using a wireless keyboard or mouse for higher end games or programs won't seem so farfetched.
  7. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Some people simply have too much money.
  8. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Yeah it was really weird because he doesn't usually drop money like that. First he bought a Color Nook and was so impressed by that he bought an 1st gen iPad a few days later. Then for some reason he bought his Android tablet 3 days after that. Seems a bit redundant to me.
  9. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    The only time I've ever seen an ipad outside of the apple store was when I was waiting in line to renew my license at the DMV. Some ghetto fabulous person with gold teeth who was trying to look rich had one and I almost busted out laughing. Ipads have apparently replaced the boombox as a status symbol in the hood.
  10. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Asians love ipads. One family I went to dinner with had an ipad for each of their three children, four ipads in total.
  11. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Is that a riddle? Sounds like a riddle. If an Asian Family has 4 iPads but only 3 children, where did the 4th iPad go?
  12. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Practically everyone I know in real life is non tech saavy, and is running a Pentium 4 or Pentium M shitbox with Windows XP that they'll give up when you pry it from their cold dead hands. I don't see any of them getting tablets in the foreseeable future considering I've had no luck even convincing them that they should upgrade to modern computers.
  13. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    My mate bought an ipad 2 and it arrived today. I can see the point of him getting one because although he does have a laptop it's woefully slow plus the screen is majorly cracked so you can only see about 40% of the display. He says it's the absolute dog's bollocks, it's unbelievably quick and simple to use he says. If I had a pc and not a laptop I'd definitely get one too.
  14. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Your friend did realize that he could have gotten an i5 based laptop for the price of an ipad 2, right?
  15. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Probably not. Wouldn't have made any difference though. If he wanted a laptop he'd have bought one I guess. All he's going to be doing is surfing and messing about with apps so it suits him fine.
  16. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    The wife had one too
  17. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    The iPad is great for casual use - the speed, apps, convenience and interface are all very impressive. I can't see the point in going back to a laptop for what we use it for.
  18. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I could never see myself buying an ipad. I could do a major upgrade on my desktop or get a nice laptop for the same price. The current pricing is absurd, and they just don't seem that useful. Even if I got one for free I would probably just sell it.

    I guess for an elderly person or a woman who's absolutely retarded with computers, it might make some sense. But if you're even remotely computer literate, I just don't get why you would ever buy one. You can get a real computer that can do so much more for the same price.
  19. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Maybe they are a fad. But some people don't like to sit in front of a computer for hours, especially if that's all they've done at work all day. Some people like the pure mobility that comes with a tablet, and if people keep buying them and apple keeps making them I can't see them disappearing any time soon.
  20. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    But will they ever have a market beyond computer illiterate retards with no concept of what modern computers cost?

    I don't really understand this argument when people use it against PC gaming either. My home computer is nothing like a work computer. I have a comfortable leather chair, a huge monitor, and nice comfortable headphones. It's a good experience. Much better than straining my neck trying to use an ipad.