Tablets are a Fad

Discussion in 'Technology' started by cmdrmonkey, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I'd like to get my Mom an iPod touch but even the used ones are stupid expensive.
  2. Are Tablets Just a Fad?


    The way I look at it there are no downsides to using a tablet, unlike using a pc or laptop.
  3. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    A laptop is a PC.
  4. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    ...only a laptop is more mobile, that's why I got one instead of a pc.
  5. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    No downsides to using a tablet? From that statement, you are one of the people that a tablet is designed for. There are plenty of downsides that i would prefer a laptop every single time if i was given a choice. You have to be an extremely casual pc user to not see the downsides of a tablet.
  6. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Keep in mind that you're talking to someone who is so computer illiterate he thought there was no difference between Vista and 7, and who apparently thinks that laptops aren't PCs, although I think by "PC" he means desktop.

    For Armadeadn



    Both are PCs.
  7. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I got my LG Arena for 100 bucks on ebay. It's basically an ipod touch phone. It sucks hard though, cuz the proc just can't keep up with the s/w so it freezes up all the time. like I get off one text msg a week :(. Sounds bad but I don't really care. Hoping the OC image I found fixes it cuz when it works it's AWESOME.
  8. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    btw I have the Euro version, the US version doesn't have wifi. and it's a GSM (ATT/ T-Mobile) phone
  9. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Tablets are already capable of performing the tasks and running the software that the vast majority of mass market consumers are interested in when they buy a PC. Internet browsing, email, photos, video, home office, word processing, casual games etc. They also have advantages compared to laptops and desktops when it comes to convenience and specific uses like reading or watching video.

    The question isn't really whether a standard laptop or PC can do "more", but whether that "more" is what the vast majority of consumers would view as a primary concern when they buy a computing device. Running high-end PC games and professional level software like Creative Suite or Final Cut Pro isn't really what the general consumer is primarily interested in.
  10. Are Tablets Just a Fad?


    Next stop, the landfill next to the copies of ET for Atari. This tablet fad is on its way out even quicker than I thought.
  11. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Rumor is that Amazon will start selling its own tablet in October for less than cost. They expect to make that money back with the sale of movies and music.
  12. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Tablets would have to get down to below $200 to make any sense. They're just smartphones, only less portable and they can't make phone calls.
  13. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I believe many can make phone calls through apps.
  14. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Hewlett-Packard is considering "spinning off" it's PC business in order to concentrate on software. Non-Apple tablet makers may be stumbling right now, but it's the rise of the smartphone and tablet market that's driving this. PC's are no longer the primary computing device for the masses, which means that you're even less likely to make $$ on the low margins that most PC manufacturers live by.

  15. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Focus on cloud software? I don’t see how that is any safer. They’ll be going against Amazon, Google, and Apple who are way ahead right now.

    How does HPs move to software support this in any fashion. Their tablet went down in flames.
  16. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    No big loss. HP's PCs are absolute garbage in terms of build quality, and even their printers, which used to be the industry standard, have been pretty terrible in recent years.
  17. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Cloud software is still in it's infancy. If HP wants to expand into that area, then I'm sure they at least have a decent opportunity to do it. Look at Google...where exactly is the Chrome OS supposed to be at the moment? And the other stuff from Google and Amazon is mainly just "hard drive in the sky" things right now, to paraphrase Steve Jobs. :D
  18. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Absolute bullshit. Tablets have no market, and the issue with PCs is market saturation. The economy is terrible and most people already have PCs so they aren't buying new ones, and they certainly aren't buying overpriced, useless tablets.
  19. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    I think it's hilarious that you always claim that tablets don't have a market, yet also say that they're just smartphones with larger screens...and smartphones are wildly popular. So which is it? No market OR wildly popular? You never seem to be able to connect the two, despite how obvious it is.
  20. Are Tablets Just a Fad?

    Smartphones are wildly popular. Tablets have no market. Where's the confusion?

    Smartphones are actually portable, and can be subsidized with a contract so that there's little or no up front cost, which is why they're doing well despite the bad economy.