Are Tablets Just a Fad? Hmm, how are appleinsider sources? They seem to be the only site claiming the omap 3430 in the kindle fire. Everybody else is either not specific or claiming an omap 4 processor. Anandtech is assuming the 4430, but they did say it's unconfirmed. Appleinsider's claim makes the most sense due to the kindle fire's price though.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? It could still be speculation but here are a few more.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? This is the original source article from AppleInsider...published on their site on Monday. Also, this next bit is from's possible the 4430 reports are simply due to the Fire being based on the same design as the RIM Playbook and being produced by the same manufacturer, which doesn't guarantee the same processor inside.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? Here's something from ZDNet that is predicting Kindle Fire 1.0 to be quickly replaced by Kindle Fire 2.0 in 2012...which has some similarity to what the AppleInsider source was saying about additional Amazon tablets with larger screens coming out in 2012.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? Kindle Fire is within the price range I said tablets should be: $120-230. And it's from a big brand. That's a winning combination. It'll be successful with the same type of customer who buys Apple -- mainstream sheep.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? That's what I love about this forum. One minute someone will be saying that iOS is for "kids and hipsters" and the next minute they'll be saying that tablets running iOS are for "mainstream sheep".
Are Tablets Just a Fad? The Kindle Fire will be perfect for my Mom. She has some down time at work and a movie/book/game device is exactly what she needs. The device has to fit in a purse and be simple to operate. That limits my choices to an iPod Touch or Kindle Fire. The Fire looks like the much better deal.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? Hmm. I was just about to make my own Kindle Fire thread... Do you guys thinks it's a good $199 machine to browse the web and fuck around killing time? I know it won't have as many apps as Android of iPad, but it's 1/3 the price too.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? I think the Fire will bring a bit of organisation to the Android chaos. I expect a simple easy to navigate interface like the iPad but at the same time it may not have the flexibly of a normal android device. If you really want to go cheap find a refurbed Nook Color for about $150 and put Cyanogenmod Mod on it.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? so i got the cm alpha on the touchpad. quite painless. i can safely say that this thing will replace my cr48 from google. the dual boot is simple and it uses clockworkmod recovery so it's simple to flash extra stuff. initially I didn't realize that some apps have a separate interface when you're on a larger screen so i just assumed it would look the same as it does on my phone, but it looks like some have tablet sized interfaces even if it's not made for honeycomb. the feedly app looks awesome. the android browser works great when you change the user agent to ipad. there's still some funky bugs though. sound still comes out of the speakers when you plug in headphones. it doesn't charge correctly on the touchstone dock. some apps won't work on it and some won't show up in the market.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? I had to modify a file in my Nook and change tablet type to HTC flyer to get more compatibility in the market. Regardless of the OS some apps might be off limits if the store thinks you got an HP.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? I'm not gonna lie. My time with this touchpad has made me want an actual high end tablet. Asus just announced their successor to the eeepad transformer. The Transformer Prime. It's gonna be rocking the kal-el (nvidia tegra 3 quad core) and will be only 8.3mm thick. I'M CONSIDERING IT. My reasoning will be transparent. Porn machine.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? Touchpad not high end enough for you? I suppose every tablet on the market right now will be obsolete in a year.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? there is one big glaring issue I have with it. it has a 4:3 display like the ipad at 1024x768. I prefer the honeycomb resolutions of honeycomb tablets, 1280x800. Also the transformer has a microsd slot and the keyboard dock doubles as another power source. both being pretty huge features. otherwise, the touchpad holds its own pretty well.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? Transformer Prime? Kal-El? I looked at Tegra's roadmap and there are future processors code named Wayne and Stark. It's starting to get a bit goofy with the Comic-Con naming trend.
Are Tablets Just a Fad? Asus announced the MeMO 370T at CES. The android tablet market is at a civil war with itself. This 7" beast is going to try to dethrone the kindle fire. It's going to be rocking tegra 3 like its bigger brother, the transformer prime. Unlike the kindle fire though, this is going to be regular android (not closed into a service like amazon), of course have ICS, and have a rear camera. $250
Are Tablets Just a Fad? So I got a Android Kindle and loaded CM7/Honeycomb. But it has no hardware volume buttons... anybody know the best workaround? I tried some volume widgets but most were duds. Other than that though, it's a pretty solid $200 tablet. Also that Asus above is really good except for the rear camera. Who the fuck is going to take pictures with that gigantic thing... a front facing one for skype would've been cool.