Tapatalk Mobile Forum App

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by cmdrmonkey, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. ya I've been using the beta for a few months now. No such message on my end
  2. @khaid

    what's this tapatalk chat room about? it doesn't seem to send anything to the forum...

    also is that POS app showing ads? because it shouldn't.
  3. I'm assuming it's a tapatalk only chat room. I think devs added it a few updates ago.

    As for ads, a while back, the devs turned the app free but with ads as the only version. The ad-free paid version was removed. Past members who paid for the non-ad version were allowed a grace period to apply as a vip member which meant they could continue using tapatalk ad-free.

    I don't see ads since I'm a vip member.

  4. Well that sucks... basically cuts the forum into a TT and Web split. Also sucks they can make money off ads even though I don't show ads here. But I guess it's a free app to users.

    I also paid for Pro years ago, but don't use TT as much anymore. Safari does a really good job of rendering mobile sites. Uploading/attaching stuff is where the app comes in handy.
  5. I dunno man. it may still have its uses. like we can talk trash about people behind their backs
  6. #46 chi, Jan 29, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
    What chat room
  7. The one where we talk about bfun. He won't be able to read it until he installs the app in 2021.
  8. I need to turn Tapatalk notifications off now as Chi is spamming that place up.
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  9. Why is my tapatalk always wrong? The picture and thread title never match.

  10. Oh, you actually use the feed tab. I haven't tapped on that since I updated.

    Mine looks OK though.
