You've probably never heard of it because it's nothing to write home about. Some brown vinegary crap that you put on bad meat at diners and shit to make it taste better. A good quality steak shouldn't need A1, and that shit would be pretty gross on anything other than steak. Also, I don't think you guys get real BBQ sauce in your country. Like Mexican food, you guys have no idea what you're missing. I'd say it must be sad living in a country with such terrible food that makes the rest of the world point and laugh, but it seems like you guys don't know any better. Just like how dogs will never know what the color red looks like, most British people will never know what good food is supposed to taste like.
I like the way you assume because traditional English food is crap we don't know what food from other countries tastes like. The most popular food eaten by English is by far, curry. We have Mexican food, it's truly amazing. We have bbq sauce. We have French restaurants, Italian restaurants etc etc. We know what good food is, it's just that none of it is of English origin. On a side note, all this talk of bacon sarnies made me hungry. It was good.
He just thinks we only eat fish and chips, eels and pork pies and to wash it down with tea. Liking the bacon sangas. Needs some tommy k though.
Unfortunately the bacon shrivelled up while cooking and there were only two rashers left so my bacon craving wasn't really satisfied.
I have a whole 16pk of bacon in the fridge, complete with 16 eggs. So tomorrow I think 4 rashes of bacon and two fried eggs for two massive bacon and egg sarnys. Booya!
Haha! I let that brown sauce thing slide yesterday because I didn't think this argument could continue. But you proved me wrong yet again! I looked that HP Sauce up, it is indeed Steaksauce. I have to agree that it would send a perfectly good bacon sandwich to hell. But when the alternative is mushy peas and branston pickles, it must be semi-decent.
I thought this was interesting: TLDR: British food is bad due to eating a lot of preserved food during the industrial revolution and war rationing during the world wars. British people eventually reached a point where they didn't know any better.
BBQ, Tex-Mex, Cajun food. Way too much stuff to list so I'll go with jambalaya, or maybe a chimichanga. That stuff is a lot better than branston pickle or boiled Kangeroo in your case. An Italian Guy tries Branston pickle. Speaking of a country not known for its food, I'm guessing Australian food is like British food but worse. The only thing I could even find were ANZAC biscuits, which look like the crushed dog poo I just cleaned off my sandals.
Don't judge all of America based on a few retarded rednecks from the deep south who can't distinguish a potato from a tomato. That's like saying all British people are chavs. Also, you're taking the spray cheese out of context. It's meant for chili cheese hotdogs. Speaking of foods Americans invented, chili is also pretty awesome.
Kangaroos are mammals number 1, number 2 Cajun is French, and number 3 tex-mex is gay. Oh and ANZAC cookies are fucking fantastic, you'd better try them before you make such blasphemous claims!
Cajuns were French colonists 250+ years ago. They're American now. And their food is American. Also, tell me more about Australian food. I'm sure it's terrible, but I'm intrigued.
I fail to see the logic there; so what If they've assimilated into American society now days, it's still technically French cuisine.
Considering cajun food was invented here in America and not in France, by Americans (cajuns), yes, it's American food. And they assimilated into America hundreds of years ago. You're acting like they're recent immigrants.
That's like saying Indian food is british because theyve been in Britain for ages. American chocolate is bland and waxy whilst cereals are so artificial they taste of chemicals and nothing else. And wtf is with Oreos? It's a black biscuit that tastes of nothing and a stupidly oversweetened filling which people are encouraged to lick and leave the biscuit parts behind to dunk in milk.