Check out this thing: I wouldn't even bother with the deep fry part. Just wrapped in bacon.
One of the most vile things I have ever seen, MRM and Spray Cheese are bad enough but combined you have one of the most disgusting processed foods ever... I prefer real sausages in buns to that MRM crap. You Americans are really fucked up when it comes to what you eat.
Processed delight. I am with you grim, real sausages in buns taste much better, especially BBQ'D ones. If you want something wrapped in bacon you want to have two chicken breast fillets wrapped in bacon topped with melted real cheese and smothered with BBQ sauce. Much nicer. Side with some chips or vegetables or both and you got yourself a meal.
What the world eats:,29307,1626519_1373664,00.html All on one page:
I was about to say that the American families looked like they ate almost nothing but processed crap, and then I saw what the British family was eating, which somehow looks worse.
lol just look at that kid, he's gotta be a psycho 0.o and the chick just glares. Poor starving families in Africa lol 2 bucks! At least that Mongolian family or w/e that had a similar budget looked like they had a lot of fruits and stuff to eat. Big Bravos goes to the Mexicans who feed an ARMY with their money lol. And of the two US familys one had hungry teenagers while the other one had little tikes. BIG difference.