Haven't but I looked it up and it seems to be processed cheese. Don't like processed cheese at all so wouldn't like that. Not a big fan of cheese non stop, went all American and made burgers on Monday. Got some mature cheese to go in it but had to take as much of it as possible out once I started eating. It was too strong and I couldn't taste the burger, couldn't even taste the red onion it was that strong!
I'm on holiday in Cornwall at the moment and have had some amazing food. Went to a small French cafe yesterday and had their version of a British breakfast - was fantastic indeed. Had a great curry the day before and some great traditional fish and chips the day before that. Hmmmm, foooood.
I had a tarte tartin with local ice cream so does that count? There's some nice pasties here but you need to look out for the mass produced ones.
Velveeta is good for chili con queso, but alone it's pretty nasty. I have to agree with the Brits on this. I'm not a fan of processed cheese.
I had some turkey bacon for the first time today. That was some of the most unbelievably nasty shit I've ever tasted. It was like eating some kind of synthetic MEET™ - like product. I pity people who have to eat that shit because of high cholesterol. My dogs didn't didn't even want any of it, and they normally go crazy for bacon.
I have no idea. I was at my father in law's house, and he has some health problems so we were eating that shit. Even the dogs could tell the difference between meat and MEET™.
Really? It tasted like plastic with bacon flavoring. Maybe you've forgotten what real bacon is supposed to taste like. It's also so heavily processed, I'm guessing it's loaded with nitrates, which are carcinogenic.
Wow, did you tell him that he's trading his cholesterol levels for cancer then? I had turkey bacon before, but it was at a restaurant so it was tasty.
Health is half the reason. I got tired of eating globes of chewy fat and if I have to wash my hands in de-greaser after I'm done eating it I can only imagine whats happening in my heart.
I'm so awesome, I amaze myself. I got through Thanksgiving - New Years and lost 3.5 lbs. This is typically a time when the average American gains 20 lbs. So by my count, I've lost 23.5 lbs!! I know some of you chicken mcfatties have packed on weight. Will probably resort to lame resolutions with zero follow through.