American servers are well-known to specifically target the British. You don't want to find out the cook rubbed your tenderloin across his nether regions. That's undoubtedly what happened to monsly. Better provide a substantial tip to all servers here.
I thought in America you pay and tip after the meal? Over here we pay before we are given the meal, which I prefet in any case.
They can sense when you're a cheapskate. If you are thinking about cheating them out of a decent tip, they'll know. Also, you must be nice to them or you'll get special seasoning on your meal. Never be rude to a waiter.
You normally only go out to eat in restaurants or sit at the bar for social gatherings with friends/coworkers. You don't tip at fast food joints. You don't tip on pizza orders that are carry-out. You only tip deliveries.
The customer is always right does not count in America I take it. That said, I am not the type of person to be a prick to shop staff regardless of how the food is or what mood I am.
Not at fancy restaurants in any case. Pub restaurants and tea spoon cafes do it for me. Food is food to me, I don't need to spend £50 to get a hard-on over some master chef delight.
you pay before you eat at fast food resturaunts... and grocery stores (unless your ballsy). But other than Mickey-Ds, Dominos and Burger King it's all bill comes after the food. Dennys, Red Robin, Chili's (I think) all comes AFTER you eat. Sizzler, Subway is before. When it comes to fast food it's more of a toss up I guess. but mostly you pay before you eat. ALL resturaunts get their money AFTER you eat. I like paying before, cuz than I know if I can refill my pop or not.
Then surely you can get away with not tipping at places where you pay after as they cannot do something to your meal as they expect tips after it has been eaten?
Service people are very good at sniffing out people who are cheapskates. Also, I hope you never plan on eating there again, as they remember stingy assholes and will do stuff to your food. At nicer restaurants, if you don't tip, the manager may literally follow you out of the restaurant and confront you. I've even heard of the police being called in some instances on large bills that were hundreds of dollars. Some restaurants even automatically add gratuity to the bill so you have no choice in the matter. If you're too much of a cheap asshole to eat out and tip the server, then buy groceries and cook your own food. Eating out is a luxury.
You can try lol. The general feeling is that everybody SHOULD tip the only question one should have is how much? 10% for horrible service, 30% for exemplary service. I ask you why the heck would you tip someone BEFORE you eat? I've never tipped a fast food attendant or a Subway Sandwich artist (well I might tip the later if they do things like juggle as they prepare lol...) I don't consider those places as for tip places. Other than pizza delivery. those kids expend gas and extra effort trying to find your house. Now that I think of it I'd tipped like sushi shops when picking up takeout. I don't know, but you do NOT tip McDonalds ppl they don't even ask for tips has anyone ever tipped a fast food attendant? Even one that brought you your food? Sung you happy birthday? lol I'd never seen somebody tip at McDonalds or Burger King or even Subway! Generally places that expect a tip leave a place on your reciept/ bill for a tip. The rest is just kind heartedness. I loved getting tips when collecting for my paper route!
You make your country sound even better. So even spending hundreds on a meal they still expect you to tip. That just takes the piss to be frank. But if it is your custom then I guess doing it is the only way to enjoy a meal out. If I was asked to tip in England I would tell them to jog the fuck on, as would most people I guess. I am not cheap but I just find it a piss take.
You're expected to leave a huge tip in that case. And if you don't, they may call the cops, and you can even be arrested for theft in some cases, especially if it states clearly on the menu that gratuity is required or automatically added to the bill. Don't want to tip on a huge bill? This will happen to you:
If the service is poor; no tip. Tips are roughly 10% here. Any more and you're clearly flirting the wrong way.