The Great US vs UK Food Debate

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by supersonic, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. There's always Taquerias right around the corner in California...

  2. I'm gonna try to make ribs on my propane noob grill this weekend. Any recommendations for dry rub and sauce?

    Was thinking about following this guys general cooking process. He looks like a man that knows a lot about ribs:

  3. I stopped by a restaurant food supply store just for fun. Everything was in bulk so it wasn't really practical to buy anything except...there was a 2 pound tube of Bavarian Cream that caught my eye. It was destined to fill the holes of a thousand donuts. Now it's going to fill the one pie hole on my face.
  4. Eat it in under a minute on camera and YouTube riches can be yours!

    I made those ribs from that YT'ers exact recipe. Turns out he is a bbq rib competition champion. I bought his rub and sauce and to my surprise Amazon delivered on Sunday. His combo was the best thing I've ever had... it elevated my shitting grilling skills GoAT level.

    I'm gonna try it again, but do a better job of following the cooking times/temps. I think the outdoor 98 degree temps were screwing grilling temps, my ribs were just slightly overdone. But the rub/sauce/habanero combo rescued it all the way to a top 3 experience.
  5. I actually have a recipe that my uncle gave me and I've never had anything better. The process of making them is extremely intense though. I can't do anything but focus on the ribs. Leave them alone for a minute and all is lost. Of course I don't make ribs very often. Women and children don't seem to appreciate them so I only make them when I have manly guest over for dinner.
  6. Post the recipe! This guys cook time was ~6 hours with 10-15 minutes of work every hour. I found it pretty laborious, but the final product was phenomenal. If I had better quality meat and was better at operating a grill, it would be the best I've had.
  7. ^ humble brag, hawaii vacation, imo
  8. I was watching reaction videos and came across Irish people trying American food. The items seemed poorly made and stacked against US but they loved most of them.

  9. Irish people have mostly bad food too (with a few exceptions like Shepherd's Pie), but unlike the British they own up to it and admit American food is better, which I can respect.

    I would have more respect for the Brits if they just admitted that they have the worst food on the planet and that America has some of the best.
  10. @khaid

    OK, I've seriously improved my chopstick game... but I have some concerns I can't ask irl. I am still splashing noodles on my chin. Is that normal or do I need more practice? I can lift a lot easier at an angle like from a bowl, but still need to work on 90 degree movements like out of a pint container.

    Also, I find I'm naturally inclined to do what alterego said... hold the plate/bowl closer to my face and shove before the food drops.
  11. I think a beginner error is trying to use the chop sticks all proper like a fork. Just grab that food, bend your head down and shove it in your pie-hole and fast as you can with as much mess as you can. Master that then work on your etiquette later. I'm pretty sure even experience users get their head close to the plate when needed.
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    • lol lol x 1
  13. i'm not sure what you mean by splashing on the chin. slurp slower? you should be able to grab clumps of noodles at a time with your chopsticks.
  14. LOL at that video. I grew up in a anti-slurping household, it's just not how I eat. I've been trying to get all the noodles at once but some hang loose and get my chin. I will have to keep practicing since I bought a ton of noodles and chop sticks.
  15. LOL, h3h3 reviewed this for their dumbest products segment (t=30sec).

  16. Apparently they do have amazing food in the UK, but only the monarchy can afford it.

  17. bunch of expensive ingredients just thrown together.. don't expect anything life changing as they don't complement each other in a burger.
  18. Leave it to the British to take the best ingredients on the planet and turn them into a disappointing mountain of slop.