The Great US vs UK Food Debate

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by supersonic, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Yeah. I find myself chugging water for a few hours after eating there. I pretty much don't leave the house anymore so my fast food consumption has decreased a good deal.

    I bought some Army surplus MREs just because I was curious to see what they are like. I haven't been brave enough to eat one yet.
  2. So that's what I thought this was, an MRE. in the movies they always scoop food out of the MRE bag so I thought that's how you ate it lol.

    I guess I just don't get it. Like that ad is of the product on a frozen lake... but they will need to come up with boiling water to make this work?

    In an actual emergency I feel like it's not convenient enought compared to Slim Jims.
  3. It depends on the emergency. A Slim Jim's shelf life is about 1 year. An MRE is 3 to 5 years. Normal canned food 2 to 5 years. Most Mountain House products are 25 to 30 years. Cold water can also be used but it may take twice as long to rehydrate and the meal will also be cold.
  4. You rehydrate a slim Jim?

  5. Probably wouldn't hurt. I'm not sure if it even qualifies as a food product.

    Aside from the sodium it seems decent. I’d have to check the price per ounce to see it’s feasibility.

    Rehydrating it might help with the sodium too… we could be on to something here.

  7. ha! I thought a slim jim's shelf life was forever... I've eaten one I found several years later. I'm actually taking protein powder that expired in 2013 right now. It's okay I'm vaccinated.
  8. Got a chance to try the McTeri Deluxe burger from McDonalds. It's a 1/3 burger with teriyaki sauce and tomato. It was supper sloppy and hot enough to burn my mouth, but not too bad. Biggest McD burger I ever had.

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  9. [​IMG]
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  10. OMG! Do you have a recommendation? I will try that next time I'm on the west coast.

    Melted cheese FTW! Apparently in the UK they just sprinkle cold shredded cheese on undercooked fries.
  11. I used to get those all the time from Sonic but it's a total salt bomb. The chili and cheese is like 7-11 nacho quality. It's a guilty pleasure to be sure.
  12. they only recently opened up Durham here in nc and I haven't been out there since 2019. honestly by how they all look, get the one that suits you best. I don't think you can go wrong
  13. yeah Sonics is the go to for convenient chili cheese tots/fries. easy access and cheap!
  14. Unless fries are super fresh I'm not a huge fan of them. They have to be eaten straight out of the frier IMO. If they cool or sit out at all you may as well throw them in the trash. Also I think Dutch/Belgians have the right idea. Mayo is actually better on fries than ketchup.
    • agree agree x 1
  15. Actually a 50/50 mixture of both ketchup and mayo is about perfect.
    • agree agree x 1
  16. Yep, I too figured out mixing ketchup with mayo was an excellent combo. I like to throw a spicy sauce into the mix too.
  17. Finally tried this abomination. It was huge and every bite was all dough or pickle or hot dog. The peanut butter didn’t pair with anything. Do not recommend.
    • wtf? wtf? x 1
  18. That looks horrifying. Why is it dipped in peanut butter?