The Great US vs UK Food Debate

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by supersonic, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So because one English person does not like soul cream, that makes the whole nation not have taste? Really now. I know lots of people who love it. I just hate it.

    Like I said before. Everyone has different tastes, so it makes it a moot point.

  2. I have no idea what that is SuperSonic, never seen food like that over here.

  3. What the hell is that?

  4. They are running out of ideas to try and get a reaction out of us, now they are resorting to cheap flame attacks. Keep them coming. Maybe we should bring out the weight attacks to get in on this!

  5. And to think we haven't even brought up that amazing gourmet American food stuff cheese in a can yet!


  6. This looks like a tasty meal.... for a toilet.


  7. Beans on toast is a great stop gap for when you are hungry.



    Double attack on both sides of the American coin. Oh yes I did.

  8. Looks like someone threw up on some chips..


  9. Puke with blood in it more like. Yum yums.

  10. I like cheese on toast but this is ridiculous.


  11. This "food" is called haggis. It looks to be equal size servings of mashed potatoes, vomit, and poop. Possibly some cilantro or parsley for flavor.


  12. The chili fries don't look bad. I have no idea what that is at the bottom. Looks like someone made a cake out of grilled cheese sandwiches.

  13. Those aren't chips. They're French Fries. A name that honors the great American ally that helped remove the imperialist dogs and their bad cuisine from American soil.

  14. You British fatties must live in a bubble. Your obesity rates are like <2% below ours. I can't fathom how your fellow country can possibly over indulge to the point of obesity with your craptastic food.

    UK Govt:

    US Govt:

  15. Nice try. haggis is Scottish.

  16. Welsh food looks like some of the worst. This is Laverbread. It looks like something from another planet.


  17. So it's still lower? Although I was under the impression it was closer to 7% as well. The US is the fattest country in the world; I know everytime I go I come back about 18lbs heavier.

    For the most part we have nearly the same crap on offer here as you do over there, it's just much cheaper in America so even poor people can be fat; the American Dream. Portions over there are rediculous...

    My favourite US treats are Reeses Peanut Butter Cups...or they were...

  18. At least we can say we're fat because our food is so awesome. What's your excuse?