The Hunger Games

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by bfun, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. I'm looking forward to this one.

  2. Looks kinda gay.
  3. Bfun kind of gay.


    Oh wait it just finally clicked. Bfuns name means Bum Fun! I finally "cracked" it. Haha.
  4. Yeah people are making a fuss about this film. I saw the trailer and it looked so cliche, so predictable, and I'm guessing you spend at least half an hour while they go through that whole selection process and we now know EXACLTLY what happens, the little girl gets picked, but for some reason they let the older girl take her place just because she volunteered. Snore.
  5. Bfun also likes Twilight and Harry Potter if that tells you anything about his sexual orientation.

    I'm also pretty sure that he's never seen Commando. Which definitely means that he's not a real man.
  6. bfun probably runs around skyrim catching fireflys and butterflies while picking flowers.
  7. Bfun has pink penis skin armor and plays as a character named twinkboi who slays dragons with his sissy slap.
  8. Only real men use their nirnroots in alchemy rather than save them in case there's a quest that requires them. Anyone else found the farm who's crop is nothing but nirnroots? Can't miss it, the whole patch glows white at night.
  9. Looks nice! Battle Royale for Caucasians can't wait.
  10. Not interested in the slightest. It looks like cliche ridden drivel. Total snoozefest.
  11. Arm's lookin for the vampires to appear.
  12. It just looks really boring to me. I wouldn't mind watch the actual battle that goes on but 'm thinking most of the file will be build up and we know most of what happens anyway from the trailer.
  13. the last 3 movies I watched were lionsgate and they all sucked. I'm still gonna watch this one on dvd.
  14. Pretty much this. Teenage kids are annoying, and as much I'd love to see a bunch of them die, you just know this movie is going to be mostly build up focused on cheesy romance.
  15. The books weren’t overly romantic. I bet this will be similar to The Lion, The Witch, and The Warsdrobe or the Golden Compass. I found both of those a little boring but I never read those books.