I didn't really ask but from what I remember he was either in the US or UK, maybe going to school, and he died in his room. It was ruled a suicide but certain oddities made it very suspicious and some thought it was murder followed by a cover-up. The brief discussion of it was in one of the older MIA threads. Not sure if it's still on PVC but Sonic has him listed as Killed in Action rather than MIA so maybe he knows more.
I remember that, someone knew all about it but I can't remember who. If i could be bothered I'd do an old PVC Google cache search.
It might have been discussed more on the Beyond3D forum but I'm not seeing much in google site search. https://forum.beyond3d.com/members/sh64.4425/
http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33958216 Found this. http://translate.googleusercontent..../nr/nc&usg=ALkJrhjWtr52BWGFpJ0SAIO2YsqAgalQ6w Someone on the rage3d page even mentions the old forum but the name meant nothing to me.
Holy shit your google skills are amazing.... bfun was 99% accurate. The mysterious circumstances was just wishful thinking IMO. It was Mustang that mentioned it on the old forum.
That's an unusual suicide method, but not completely unheard of. Or he was murdered, but that doesn't seem very likely. Either way he met a sad and horrible end. I'm pretty grossed out by the people saying they've lost respect for him for committing suicide. The guy probably suffered from depression and was in some intense emotional pain that went beyond his ability to cope. Being mentally ill doesn't mean a person is weak or inferior. It means they're sick. Stigmatizing mental illness prevents people from getting the help they need. They don't seek help because they are embarrassed and ashamed. Why are they embarrassed and ashamed? Well, just look at the reactions in that thread. Depression is a deadly illness. If you think someone is a suicide risk, take them to the emergency room just like you would with any other seriously ill person.
I think it's religious people that always say it's cowardly and selfish. It's a sin they can't punish people for so they try to shame them after death.