The New PVC MIA List

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by supersonic, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. You didn't report him, you LIAR.

    Edit; bloody hell, I was replying to phisix.
  2. In that case, ignore this.
  3. Reporting is worthless. I was slurred by that bastard bfun, and the mods defended their corrupt crew.
  4. I reported myself!!
  5. When did everyone around here get so EMO?

    Andrew's last post was the very definition of E/N. Are you guys going to start shopping at Hot Topic too? Fags.

    The worst part is the way the emo-ness started wiping off on me.
  6. I found my way here. We're already to PVC3?
  7. Not just 3, but cubed. It's to the third power son!
  8. @AKS

    Anyway, good to have you back. I wasn't sure if you were coming.
  9. Reporting is worthless since I keep spamming the report box. I can't stop clicking on it.
  11. That's not any kind of internet addiction that is simply you and your friends getting older. I used to see my mates at least 4 nights a week, now we are lucky if we see each other once a month!

    We all get to a point where we have our own lives to get on with. I have 3 what I would consider really good mates, 2 of us are Married with kids and 1 is in a long term/live together relationship, finding time when we are available to do anything has gotten harder and harder as we have gotten older. I don't think I have seen any of them since October (but in honesty we had planned to do things in December but the heavy snow changed that).

    I got a text message just last night from one trying to arrange a Saturday when we would all be available. Turns out there is not a single one in February where we are all available which again is just evidence that we have all grown up and have our own things to deal with. It turns out that next Friday is actually a day we can all do but if it hadn't been we probably wouldn't have done anything until March. Other nights are no good because we all have full time jobs and a couple of them start really early.
  12. We could have a whole thread on getting older but that would be depressing. I lost touch with most of my friends after college. Half of them couldn’t stop partying and the other half got married and had kids.
  13. It's called being whipped. As soon as you get a serious girlfriend or wife you never see your friends again.

    Andrew probably hooked up with some chick who's got him so whipped she won't even let him talk to his online friends. I bet she made him type that message with threats of no sex.
  14. I hope Hawk's ex didn't kill him when he confronted her... he's been MIA a whole 5 days. That's forever in PVCF time.
  15. I'll start a murder investigation immediately. Of course, there will be interviews. But I'll leave you alone for now.
  16. 5 days? Some of the PVC regulars obviously haven't visited in months judging by torque's bewildered attempts to get to the old forum.
  17. Are you sure your investigative skills are up to the challenge after failing with the Monsly Crew corporation havoc days?

    This is why we need this forums link in the PVCF museum, so people who try to log on over their know where we are now based.
  18. Indeed. Your little ruse was rather...crude, shall we say? But it served a purpose wider than you could've known. Misdirection is a powerful art, my friend. A powerful art.
  19. One should accept when he losses to a higher power. I was so great that I did not know it was myself either!