The only reason you were discounted at the end was because you said you found the posts hilarious - such self-promotion was not expected and it threw my calculation out. But, luckily, the measure of my overall plan remained unaffected and, subsequently, has reaped gossippypy treasures that I cannot share.
All of your riddles will not hide the fact that a big haze of question marks and hidden masterminds were blanking your every decisive move. Did we even find out who the other copycats were?
Yes, all of them. But the noise and distraction meant the real prey arrived. If you look to disguise yourself within the crowd then you must first know the crowd. That was the mistake. Sometimes a crowd can be a searchlight when you think no one is looking. You played your part phisix but the role was not your own. It never could have been.
Nice try Sherlock, but the Puppet master controls. Yet my connections run deeper than you think. Friends may be secret foes. The higher power always wins.
Hey. I found pjBliverpool's email address in my archives. I fired off an email to him, but I haven't heard back yet. Of course, it's an old addy and he may not use it anymore. And he could have also added me, and anyone associated with this place, to his junk filter too. :|
PJB would be awesome back. I do miss reading his PC vs threads and comments. I wish half of the old-school epic members were still around. Surely someone here knows or still speaks to some of them..
I remember him seeing around on the bjorn3D forums if am right. @Alpolio Should work And if that doesnt work, some Far Cry vs PS2 games should do the job
Your a gimp, with your mod powers and such loving the name though, I like the way it goes with the Avatar. lol.
Hah I did not notice that, but it works eh. Hope your stick around more than you used to on the old forum.