The New PVC MIA List

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by supersonic, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Indeed it does, I intend to stick around this time the only reason I didn't last time was beacause the forum was dead most of the time and I didn't have anything useful/ Insightful to post.

    Now I own all the consoles besides my wii that you sold and have stuff going on in my life (Uni, Gf ect) I can hopefully aid the site in some way.
  2. Jebus. You sold the man's Wii? How cold.
  3. He is not a man yet. Still my kid brother.

    No, it went missing and he says I sold it, when I actually did not. Why would I sell it when I had MHTri to play still, and Tales of Symphonia 2 and mario Galaxy to get and play? You cannot really say much as you and Josh sold my Snes and games many years ago when I had all the rare games.
  4. Hes your brother? :)

  5. I am too a man I have big boy hairs and everything ;)

    It might of gone missing but I find it hard to believe that it could go "Missing" as well as all the wires needed to play it a controller some games and the sensor bar seems a bit suspect to me. :) but hey Bleem happens
  6. There were still games and a controller there, I could have gotten more for it with those. Luscombe obviously lost them as he usually does, or maybe someone stole it as they always leave the garage open.

    Yeah, he is my Brother, Hell.

  7. yeah but that would of been "Too obvious" lol I doubt it was stolen as there was still valuable stuff there but hey as long as its replaced I don't care too much ;)

    and yes I am his much suffering, more amazing brother ... Unfortunately!
  8. Hah be happy, my brother doesnt play games @ all anymore ;)
    You have to share your PS3 with your brother btw? or you guys not living in the same house anymore?:p
  9. We don't live at home, we are big boys and have our own places. L.A.D was Luke back on PVCF and a few people like Monsly knew he was my brother.

    I actually sold him my PS3 last year when I needed some money, but he said if I can get him a replacement PS3 from 60Gb or better we can swap. Which is good as the PS3 still has my saves and trophy's.
  10. Ah okej, heard that PSN Plus people will get Cloud ability like Steam where you can save your settings and savegames etc on PSN. Might have come in handy for you ;)
  11. LOL! Thanks for the concern. Nope, that whore is no longer a part of my life. Its just been a busy week and I really haven't checked any of my normal sites, save for Facebook on my phone. But I've got a little mini vacation for the next four days and I'm planning on doing absolutely nothing.

    How can we get pjb back :D
  13. Someone needs to create a PS2 vs PC thread and argue that the PS2 is better in everyway. It'll be like the Bat signal.
  14. I thought that with all of your girlfriend drama you'd turned emo and stopped coming around.
  15. My suggestion is to get a dog. not a cat, rabbit, snake, fish AND/ OR turtle, a DOG. A dinosaur would also do the trick. Doing this would FORCE you to make time for other things and soon you'll be finding more 'social time' as well! I really would miss having you around, you (no offense to any others out there) have been my biggest reason for coming back! You (again no offense) make the most interesting topics. You (I strongly recomend you take a stroll outside if this offends you, I do not intend it) have been the voice of PVC as far as I am concerned for the last year or more! You (this shouldn't offend anyone... except Andrew) can father my unborn children!
  16. The internet addiction thing with Andrew was total bullshit. He still posts on other gaming and tech sites, and he posted on digg just yesterday. The real reason he left? He thought the new site was going to flop and decided to bail. Douche.

    Edit: sorry, the post got a bit angry and preachy.
  17. That's all right... I wanted to let loose my dino joke :)
  18. Never mind, Monkey. He will probably be back once he finds out that we did not go down the drain.
  19. LOL I like it that steve game him an avatar.
  20. I wouldn't count on it, but whatever. We'll get along fine without him.

    Even though things were looking pretty dire for awhile there, he's the only regular who bailed, which makes him look like kind of a jackass in retrospect.