Bet you guys wish you had guns. How's that whole "the police will always protect us" thing working out for you now?
The biggest problem is that our government is so reluctant to use the Army, rubber bullets or even water cannons. In the rest of Europe this would have been dealt with quickly and agreesively, even in Northern Island but they just seem to be pussy footing around the criminals. Who cares if we kill them, they are worth nothing to society it seems! Listen to this as an example... There was an indecent recently where a home-owner killed a burglar (shortly after the PM said he wanted people to be able to defend their homes with any means necesary) and he was released by the police without charge so I think we will be OK if they try to burgle homes. A lot of people will be sleeping with weapons near by I can tell you that much.
Is there a reason martial law hasn't been declared yet? This doesn't seem like something the police are equipped to handle.
When I spoke to Toyota they said they would keep it inside, will call them in a bit as leaving work so will pick it up if they are not closed.
Yeah, it's not surprising that the bad economic times compounded by the foolish emphasis on austerity rather than growth is going to lead to these kinds of social problems. A lot of the discontent in the Middle East is based on economic grievances, as were the riots in France not too long ago. If the United States blunders down the austerity path (and it looks like we're headed in that direction with all the emphasis on the deficit currently) I'm sure we'll be experiencing the same types of problems down the road.
I know of a perfect tool to deal with the problem of looting and rioting. Problem solved.
I'm not sure what Benelli products you can buy in the UK. I suppose you can buy Benelli motorcycles and flee from attackers.
I can certainly understand why huge numbers of people would feel disenfranchised. That gives them the right to protest. It doesn't give them the right to attack people and burn shit to the ground. Their anger also seems misdirected. If you're pissed off at class inequality, why torch a poor neighborhood? Seems like it would make more sense to go to the rich part of town and burn that down.
Some of the wealthiest people in the US are actually quite fearful of this. I read about a guy paying hundreds of thousands for 8 or 9 trained attack dogs to defend him. Some even have bought Predator drones that can be used to spy on people and could easily be armed. The extremely wealthy tend to be a very paranoid, fearful bunch, and it seems obvious to them that they are ripping everyone else off. I guess they are terrified about the prospect that the poor could eventually figure this out and do something about it.
Of course vandalism and looting isn't justified, but it's the type of behavior that's bound to emerge the more economically frustrated people become. And although the bankers didn't physically burn anything or physically assault anyone back in 2008, the damage they caused was far greater to society than torching some local shops and stealing...yet it was basically condoned by most major governments. Where were the arrests when it came to the financial crimes?
No but they are a damn good way to deal with looters and thugs when society breaks down. I know a few people who had to use guns to protect themselves from murderous looters post hurricane Andrew.
There's been a lot of tension regarding the Met police. Since 98 there's been over 300 deaths in their custody but not a single police officer has had any charges brought against them. In the case that was catalyst here, it would seem the story the police reported has some very suspect holes in. While I'm no fan of criminals, I don't think they should be shot dead with no good reason. But hey, maybe we need to relax the laws and let God sort 'em out.
The guy was an armed cocaine dealer. Live like a thug, and you're probably gonna die like a thug. Nothing to be upset about. He apparently missed the end of Scarface or he would have known how people in his chosen profession usually end up.