The Walking Dead *Possible Spoilers*

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Ichiban, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Re: The Walking Dead

    Season premier in 30 minutes!
  2. Re: The Walking Dead

    Odds on it being available for streaming tonight?
  3. Re: The Walking Dead

    Epic start to the season and by the end I did not want it to end. :(
  4. Re: The Walking Dead

    Episode 2 was out a few nights ago and it carried on the epicness from episode 1. Anyone else keeping up with this new season?
  5. Re: The Walking Dead

    I've only seen the premiere, and it was pretty good. I think the show is coming into its own. Last season was very uneven.
  6. Re: The Walking Dead

    I watched a little bit of the Talking Dead after episode 2. The guy who plays Rick was talking about how disturbing it was to do the leg scene because it felt so real. That guy is also an English actor who does an American accent. I always think that is weird.
  7. The Walking Dead

    I couldn't believe my ears when I heard David Tennant speak with his usual accent. That's when I knew he was actually a pretty damn good actor.
  8. Re: The Walking Dead

    Have you not great his normal ascent before? He puts on an English one for doctor who
  9. Re: The Walking Dead

    This was a couple of years ago I discovered his normal accent, which then told me he put on an English accent for the show.
  10. Re: Re: The Walking Dead

    Ah, I thought you were discovering it just now.

    It's kinda funny how there are a few British actors in American movies/tv shows that people think are American.

    For example, I didn't realise Gary Oldman was British until he did that sports actors piss take. Could have knocked me down with a feather
  11. Re: The Walking Dead

    Supposedly an American Southern accent is supposed to be the easiest American accent for British people to pull off. Not sure why though.
  12. Re: The Walking Dead

    Isn't that the stereotypical redneck type accent? It's pretty easy, I suppose because it's vastly different to a standard English accent. The more subtle the accent, the harder I find it is to stay in it.
  13. Re: The Walking Dead

    How are you guys with Jamaican accents? That's the stuff that really impresses me.
  14. Re: The Walking Dead

    Rastamouse style maaan.
  15. The Walking Dead

    If you say "beer can" in an English accent (as in not really pronouncing the r in beer like an American would) it sounds like a Jamaican saying "bacon". True story.
  16. Re: The Walking Dead

    AND the convo get back to Zombies... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACON....
  17. Re: The Walking Dead

    Seems to me like they aren't trying hard enough to kill more zombies. Just think how the farm battle would have gone if they'd had one of these.

  18. Re: The Walking Dead

    The new guy seems like a psychopath.
  19. Re: The Walking Dead

    The Governor is supposed to be the comics best ever bad guy so he has to be. Great episode though once again. This season has been epic so far.
  20. Re: The Walking Dead

    The Governor is shaping up to be a great villain. He's outwardly charming, but in reality a complete sociopath. It was pretty awesome when he ambushed those soldiers in total dickhead fashion, and I liked the tanks of zombie heads at the end.