The Walking Dead It's a shame I've read the comics because it did spoil the governor bits - have been enjoying this season though, much better than that farm shit in 2.
Re: The Walking Dead It's been quite good this season. The writing has been much better. I think the show is finally finding its stride.
Re: The Walking Dead Every episode has been epic this season. Whereas the first two seasons had they're great episodes and they're boring ones. Still got to watch the mid season finally in a bit.
Re: The Walking Dead I don't know how I feel about this season. I think it's head and shoulders above season 2 in terms of entertainment. However it's action packed week after week doesn't excite me like the first season. ** Spoilers** I guess the thing that seems off to me (and maybe me alone) is that although I felt the second season was a REAL bore, I really felt something when they killed off Sophia, shot Carl, Dale got bit and Shane was put down..... Loosing a main character had this lingering sadness, and this season we have already lost SEVERAL main characters who have been around since the first season and I feel almost nothing because the season seems to be moving "too quickly" It's just hard to grieve at the loss of a character and make that feel REALLY important and human when I am learning about the Governor, and others in the prison, rick going crazy, Carl being a man, the baby being born, two members being tortured, new love... etc etc I think season one nailed the pacing, season two hit the breaks and season three turned it to 11 after such a negative response to season 2. I'm all for a faster pace, but this Escape from LA-ish mid season finally is a little too much!
Re: The Walking Dead Season 1 was meh except for the series premiere. Season 2 was awful bordering on unwatchable. Season 3 has been awesome. I'm glad the pacing is finally picking up. They got rid of worthless and unlikable characters like Shane and Lori. And the series finally has a real villain and a great one at that. I think you're pretty much alone in your opinion.
The Walking Dead Season 2 would have been better if they didnt spend the first half of the season searching for her. I enjoyed both season 1 and 2 even with the boring bits but this new season has unleashed the shows potential and most importantly since it is more watched now it will get more financial backing which season 2 lacked.(that is why season 2 was not as great as it could have been)
Re: The Walking Dead you'd probably have a heart attack watching 24 if you find walking dead's season 3 pace too much.
Re: The Walking Dead Thought the second half of season 3 was going back t the talking time of the second but the latest episode dispelled that. Rick going crazy is starting to get boring though.
Rick going crazy was actually pretty big in the graphic novel. I remember some fan made videos of walking dead hitting youtube way back in the day (way before this tv show was even a thought) all dealing with Rick's mental state. So just be warned that you'll probably have to sit through more of this.
I agree, the prison thing is getting boring. I wish we had a better idea of what's going on in the overall world of The Walking Dead. We saw that the military was shooting all civilians on sight and pulling back to regroup somewhere. What happened to them? I seriously doubt zombies could have wiped out the US military. Are they waging a campaign to wipe out the infected like in World War Z? Also since everyone is apparently infected, is someone working on some kind of vaccine so that people don't come back as zombies? I find the whole "one scientist left in the whole world" scenario at the CDC in season 1 kind of hard to believe. This kind of stuff would be way more interesting than a bunch of rednecks arguing over who's two timing who, and who gets to stay in a run down prison. The sad part is that I don't think the show has the budget or the caliber of writing to really address these things. It took them the better part of two seasons to really show how people come back as zombies and reveal that everyone is infected. And I think that was mostly because the writers have been making stuff up as they go along and hadn't figured out how they wanted to handle those things, not because they wanted to do it as some kind of big reveal. This show has assloads of potential. But every time I think it's getting better, it never fails to disappoint me. I think the fundamental problem is the writing is just bad and they have no idea where they're taking it. It's basically LOST with zombies.
What I want to know is if this was in all humans and zombification happened upon death, then why had it only started happening in months of the shows start and not throughout history?
It's not explained very well, but I think what they were going for was an ubiquitous, Epstein Barr Virus type of pathogen causing the zombie-ism, where pretty much every human on the planet has it. The pathogen might have been something that was previously harmless that mutated. But I doubt we'll ever know because the writing on this show sucks.
It's about zombies.. these things are never revealed. If it is, it just makes it even less appealing since the explanation will never make any sense. It's like Looper. If you think about the whole idea behind it, you just ruin the entire movie for yourself. The whole idea behind zombies itself is ridiculous. 28 days later and REC handled this type of situation well rather than having zombies, substituting them with infected rabies like symptions.
I disagree. I can deal with stuff never being explained in a two hour movie. But in a show that goes on for seasons and seasons, the writers really need to start addressing big picture stuff or I'm going to get bored and my suspension of disbelief is going to be strained.
Think about the situation though. The idea of zombies is already ridiculous. Like you said, zombies overtaking the military is already a tough idea. An origin of how the zombie infestation started would be even more ludicrous for belief. You'd be coming back here even more angry.
Maybe World War Z is more my style of zombie story in that case. From what I understand, that addresses a zombie outbreak on a grand scale, and goes into how the government, military, and scientists would deal with an outbreak. Maybe they should have made that into TV series instead. The Walking Dead is basically a zombie themed soap opera and it's getting tiresome. They have the opportunity with a TV series to give us a fully developed zombie world, and this show isn't delivering the goods.
If a game series like Resident Evil can come up with a solid reason for Zombies then a TV show should be able to. That said, it is still one of my favourite shows around.
Like Khaid said, The Walking Dead is really all about people trying to live in a zombie world. The comics just focus on surviving, following Rick and various other zombie fodder; Think there's been over a 100 now, and I don't remember reading much about a bigger picture at all.