I just hope they keep it as dark as the previous ones and don't try to lighten it up. I haven't heard anything about a censored US version yet so that's good.
Some reviews have been published today. IGN - 9.3 Gamespot - 10 Game Informer - 9.75 Destructoid - 8 Gametrailers - 9.8 Reviews seem to be fair, there are some glitches, also some reviewers are disappointed with too easy combat. Overall scores however are rather high.
The 10/10 from Gamespot is making me curious. However the other two Witcher games were such complete fucking crap that I can't see myself buying this unless it's really cheap, like under $5. But who knows, maybe they managed to turn things around. Elder Scrolls for instance didn't really get good until Oblivion. The first two games were pretty weak, and Morrowind was mediocre.
- IGN Gamespot I believe you said you didn't like the combat. This is for the PS4 so who know what the PC will be like.
The interface and combat were atrocious. Also I'm pretty sure having to drink potions before battle when you have absolutely no idea what you're going to need was a dick move designed to sell strategy guides. Also why do the spells have weird names like Astra and Zanatu or whatever with no explanation of what they do instead of "fire," "ice," etc? Maybe those games had good stories. I'll never know because the gameplay was so bad I consider them unplayable. But who knows. Maybe the developers decided to stop being amateurs and made a game that's not complete shit. I'm not going to gamble with $60 to find out, so I'll wait until this hits a really low price on Steam.
I read there is a day 1 patch so I wonder if these reviews had it. Struggling to keep 30fps is not good.
Yeah, there was one review that was VERY critical of the frame rates that said they would hold off on the final rating until using the Day 1 patch and playing further into the game. However, reading that review…there were so many problems that it doesn't seem likely it's going to be solved with a single patch. The guy even mentions that he was very tolerant of frame rate problems in Bloodborne. Still has a lot of positive things to say about the game though… http://www.videogamer.com/reviews/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_review.html
If this doesn't look good then I don't know what does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF18DBWIVew Supposedly taken from PS4 version.
I haven't pre-ordered yet. I want to see some benchmarks first. If I upgrade to a 980 or 980Ti it might still come with the game.
They're lucky Roger Goodell isn't in charge of the video game industry. OMG, THEY DEFLATED THE GRAPHICS...
Oh you want controversy? Have you read the Gameworks debates? Just 2 months before the release date Nvidia gives CD Projeckt Red code to insert into the game that can crush AMD performance. After that it seems there is a deliberate unwillingness to work with AMD to help get things optimized for the new code just added. http://arstechnica.co.uk/gaming/2015/05/amd-says-nvidias-gameworks-completely-sabotaged-witcher-3-performance/2/
Additional controversy. The Nvidia 7XX series perform really poorly. The $200 960 performs better than the $400 780Ti. Nvidia fans scream conspiracy.
It seems like nVidia is back to their old tricks now that they have no real competition from AMD/ATI: overpriced cards, intentionally crippling slightly older cards with bad drivers to sell new ones, false advertising (the 970 is really a 3.5GB card). They used to pull this same crap back in the early 2000s. That all stopped with the release of the Radeon 9700 Pro. Hopefully the 390X is as impressive as the hype would lead us to believe.
Yeah crushes my hopes of running it on my 780 but I was really expecting to anyway. I'm really hoping we get a new <$500 card that can kill this game. Both the Ti and 390X are supposed to be around $750 . Maybe we'll see a 390 with 8GB of DDR5.
I am running this with a 780ti SLI with ultra details bar.. hairworks and its hovering around 50-70fps @1440p
What are your impressions after the dust has settled? I am early into the game and I'd say it's impressive but probably I am the last one to judge.